How Are You #4: Give Me A Day (and I will give you the whole world)

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"That one person, you. You will be the one who will be accompanying me throughout the rest of my life," said the older, her large hand reached out and laid on top of Jennie's smaller one.


After the confession, Jennie is beyond stunned and she quickly pulls her hand out, not knowing what is going on. The person she has been pining for had just confessed. She doesn't know whether to cry or to smile. When her life comes crashing down, when everything is a mess, the person that she misses the most is right here in her life.

"I'm sorry." She wants to leave instantly. She doesn't want to explain further. She feels that with how everything is going in her life, she doesn't deserve to be with the perfect Kim Jisoo.

The older knows the younger. She doesn't want to give up. This reunion, this fated reunion, she will do anything to stop the other from leaving her life again, when she wants her back. She immediate say, "wait. Give me a day." She wants to say more, she would do anything for the younger. If Jennie gives her a day, she will give her the whole world. She is dead serious in this. She just hopes that Jennie would take a leap of faith.

"A day it is."


Jennie, who is now at the train station, in front of her college, waiting for the older. She is 15 minutes early and it has been her habit. She waits at the side, hoping that the other will be here soon. She recalls how the older asked her out.


She picked up the phone that had been ringing because of an unknown number.

"Hello?" asked Jennie, unsure of who had called her and hoped that it would be an important phone call.

"Hey there. What time does your lecture start tomorrow?" replied the person on the other end of the call and Jennie was relieved to hear the voice that she recognised.

"Oh, hello there. Early morning, at 8am. Why?" asked Jennie. She was curious as to why the other asked but just thought that this was some sort of chit chat before bed.

She heard the other grinned. She thought that Jisoo was laughing at her early morning class on a Monday morning, typical Jisoo but instead, it turned out to be an unexpected reply, "I will meet you there."

"Don't you have classes?" asked Jennie. It would be better for the other to spend her free day on her own rather than meeting her in the morning.

"I will see you tmr," replied Jisoo not answering Jennie's question. The younger thought that the other didn't hear the question and decided to forget about it.

"See you then," said Jennie and they continued to talk about their day and also recounted their middle school days.


She is still waiting around for the older, looking at her phone, hoping that the other would at least give a text or something but soon she hears the voice calls out to her, "Hey, I got you breakfast. You can eat it on our way there."

She turns around, pleasantly surprised at the breakfast that Jisoo has just brought along. She is also surprised to hear that the other is tagging along and she clarifies, "you are coming along?"

"Yea, of course. You said that you will give me a day and today is the day." The shorter one says with a cheeky grin and unwraps the sandwich wrapper neatly before passing it to the younger.

While walking to the lecture hall, Jennie is eating her breakfast while Jisoo is holding onto her drink. They are talking about the weather and what they have been up to during the weekend. Jennie then puts her sandwich in front of Jisoo, signalling her to take a bite. The other happily obliges and takes a bite, with lettuce sticking out.

"You eat like a child," says Jennie and she laughs at the sight, before pushing that small piece of lettuce sticking out into the older's mouth. They laugh together and their eyes beaming like the sun that is shining brightly on a Monday morning.

As they reach the lecture hall, they take a seat at the back and Jisoo asks, "what is your first class?"

"Biology intro class," replies Jennie, taking out her notes and laptop.

"That's nice. I will just sit next to you and do other things," replies Jisoo, taking out her laptop, ready to start the coding assignment that she has put off for a while.

They still have some time left before lecture starts and Jennie tells the other, "you are lucky that it is all mass lectures today. So weird for someone from another college to sneak in."

The older faces Jennie and gives the younger girl a ruffle on the head before flashing her charming smile, "What to do? The person I like is in a different college."

"What a flirt!" Jennie likes their casual conversation. It feels as though they are back to their middle school times and with that comment, she gives leans into Jisoo's shoulders, hoping that this would hide her reddened cheeks.


The two of them continues to attend Jennie's lectures for the day and they are now at the last lecture. Jennie is bored listening to the lecturer talking about quantum mechanics and decides to peer over Jisoo's laptop to see what the other is doing. She sees that Jisoo is watching a lecture that is dated today, at 8am.

"You had a lecture today?" leaning over to Jisoo's right ear and whispers into it.

"Oh, yea. Why?" replies the other innocently not knowing that Jennie is mad at her for ditching her own lessons for a so-called 1-day college date.

Instead of replying, Jennie ignores the other for the whole of the lecture and it is time for them to go back. Jennie quickly packs her bag and is ready to head out, leaving the other chasing after her.

"Hey, what is with you? I thought we are doing well?" says Jisoo as she holds onto Jennie's left elbow to stop the other from walking.

"You shouldn't have ditched class. I don't want to be the reason for you not doing well in your tests and whatever not."

"Come on, I major in computer science. I just need to practice coding every now and then. Don't worry, I only had an 8am lecture. Nothing else. I promise I won't ditch classes anymore."

Jennie listens and thinks about it. Maybe she is too harsh on the other who has clearly given her so much more just so that they can get together.

"Alright then. We will not ditch classes for dates anymore. Come on, let's have lunch. It is on me."

"So, we will have more dates in the future?" asks the shorter girl, walking alongside Jennie after she reads in between the lines of what the younger had said. Damn that girl who always doesn't lay everything out whenever she speaks but she is glad that the other is open to a new future of them being together.

"I don't know, maybe," says Jennie and with that the younger quickly dashes away to the train station as her cheeks slowly heat up, leaving the older chasing after her.

"Our time is not up yet! Give me a day and I will give you the whole world," says Jisoo as she catches up to Jennie, giving the other a tight back hug. She releases her hold around the younger and holds onto the younger's smaller hands, pulling her to the train station, to head off to their next location.



All Rights Reserved to the original author: secretagentspy (on Asianfanfics)

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