How Are You #3: That One Person, You

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All italic fonts are Jennie's monologue while bold fonts are Jisoo'sThe monologue is from Jessica's solo song, That One Person, You.


Jennie was walking on the streets after a day of school and the thought that came to her mind was none other than the giant senior, in the form of Kim Jisoo. It was funny how she still missed her even though they have not met for 4 years. The human that she adores the most wasn't there for her.

Like a fool, I am waiting

Jennie breathed deeply, feeling the air fill her lungs. It was calming. She took another breath, this time closing her eyes as she inhaled.

Come to me just like this
My last wish is
That one person, you

As she exhaled, her eyes slowly open and she continued walking. It was not long before her steps were halted by something, an accident.

Each minute and each second hurts so much

Even God was making fun of her, causing an accident when she was in misery.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry," she apologised as she knocked onto someone.

The stranger was picking up papers that were strewn on the floor.

"I am very sorry, let me help you." she hastily picked up the papers and put them neatly before passing the stack of papers back to the poor stranger that she bumped into.

As her eyes met the stranger, her breathing hitched. All she did was to blurt of 3 words, "Kim Jisoo."

In front of her was none other than someone who she had missed a lot. God was literally making fun of her.

The one person who appears even when I close my eyes
The person who is next to me even in my dreams
Do you even remember me?

"Hey stranger. Didn't expect to see you here," said the older of the two.

Gosh, Jennie missed her voice. Everything felt like it was a dream. All she did was to quickly turn around and legs were ready to run towards the opposite direction, right after she recovered from her mini trance.

To you, I'm a small person
Just someone you know

She knew that her heart couldn't handle it. It was the same exact action she did when she bumped into Jisoo back in high school, at the exam hall.

Do you even think of me?

As she was about to take her first step, she felt a hand on her right wrist, stopping her from running away.

Do you even remember me? 

"You really hate meeting old friends huh. I'm hurt but I am not letting you go this time," said the slightly shorter girl. Jisoo was determined to not let Jennie run away again. She did that years ago. Now is not the time to let history repeat itself again.

Please come to me now
Come to me just like this

Jisoo tugged then held both of Jennie's hands bringing them close to her chest.

"I am very glad to meet you again. How are you? Do you have time? Let's catch up now."

Jisoo was hopeful.

Just once, please

Jennie just nodded. Everything that she wanted to do with the older is happening and she wasn't the one who initiated it. She couldn't believe it. Soon, she was just dragged by the older.

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