Part 10 - Date Night

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What are two friends who already know each other supposed to talk about on a date? It was awkward, granted i had feelings for him and i hope he felt the same but right now i didn't know what i was supposed to say or act.

'Y/n tell me something about you that no one else knows. Not even what tom knew'

And with that my mind started racing. I would like to say I'm quite a secretive person, but something that Tom didn't know that would be interesting.

' i have a black belt in karate. Obviously my mum knows that'

He seemed to be taken a back by my answer. I hadn't really ever told any one because i didn't deemed it important it just meant that i could help to protect myself if i got attacked.

' really?!'

' yeah. I could whoop your ass if i wanted to ' i giggled, Seb reacting with the same reaction.

After that the date seemed to go swimmingly, jokes exchanged here and there, between the pair of us getting to know each other more. Seb paid for dinner despite my protests that i wanted to pay or at least pay half.

We left the beautiful building, that was lit up in bright white lights, hand in hand. Walking along the street back to our hotel listening to the cars passing by on the road next to us.

' would you like to come in for a bit' i asked him as we got to my room which he accepted. I opened my door and walked to the mini bar that came with the room pouring a glass of white wine for both of us.

I sat next to him on the couch in the small living area which came with the room. He smiled nodding his head slightly as i gave him his glass, as if to say thank you.

' whats your next project after this then?' He asked me taking a sip from his glass.

' i don't know. I have a few directions i could go. I might take a break for a bit just to take time for myself. Or you never know its me i will likely just jump into another opportunity. What about you?'
I ask taking a sip of the wine

' well once this is done i am flying out to Greece to shoot another film'

' really ? What is it'

' I'm afraid i cant say. Sorry doll'

I smile at him running slow circles around his thigh.

' will there be any scenes that will you know....? '

' oh wouldn't you like to know' his face gets closer to me. I smile moving my mouth closer to his ear letting out a slight whisper.

' i would much rather see it in real life' and with that he guided my lips to his connecting the kiss. His hand found the coffee table and placed his drink down.

Now free he moved his hand to my cheek pulling me in closer. The kiss was gentle and yet passionate. He bit my lip causing me to gasp as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. Forgetting i had a drink I'm my hand i dropped the glass on the floor as i went to grab his tie to pull him even closer.

The realisation of the wine falling onto the floor caused me to break away from the kiss making us both laugh at the mess on the floor.

' at least its not red wine' i say as i pull his tie pulling him back in to kiss me. As the kiss became more heated i was now lying down on the couch with Sebastian above me his left arm giving him support, whilst his right hand moved up my thigh.

But for some reason, something stopped me i don't know what it was. I placed my hands on his chest pushing him away slightly.

' I'm sorry'

' is everything okay doll'

' yeah i just cant I'm sorry'

He moved himself off me with slight concern but I'm glad he understood.

' its okay. '

And here comes the awkward silence, you know the one after sex only this was before anything really happened it didn't make sense. Everything was right but it was as though a switch went off in my head telling me to put up my barriers.

'Y/n are you okay?'

' yeah I'm fine. Its not you i promise'

He smiled and put his arm out for me to cuddle into him which i accepted. His arm pulled my waist closer to him and i wrapped my arm around his with my head resting on his shoulder. I stayed in that position until i slowly felt my eyes drift off to sleep.


I woke up in my hotel bed still in my dress from
Last night. I looked over at the pillow next to me seeing a note.

Doll, you fell asleep on me last night and i didn't want to wake you so i put you to bed. Me and Anthony are shooting a scene today so i will see you tonight. And don't worry i cleaned up the wine you spilt last night.

Have a good day xx

I smiled and put the note to the side deciding to get a shower. I washed my hair and body before getting out and wrapping a towel around myself. I brushed my teeth and got changed into a pair of sports shorts and an oversized tee.

I ordered room service for breakfast, specifically pancakes with strawberries and powdered sugar. Whilst waiting for my food i turned on my computer to check emails when i got a FaceTime call from Anthony.

' y/n ! '

' hello mackie. I thought you were supposed to be filming '

' were on a break! What are you doing tonight?'

' nothing why'

' you are now your coming out with us'

' who's us?'

' me and sea bass '

' im not in the mood sorry Mackie. '

Before he says something else i hear a knock at my room

' one second ' i rush off to answer and thankfully its my breakfast. I return to the phone with my food in my hand, seeing that Sebastian is now on the call.

' good morning Doll'

' morning seb '

' Sea bass she said she's not coming out with us' mackie turns to his boyfriend trying to sound hurt.

' we will go to her then'

Before i could object they said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Friends to lovers  - Sebastian Stan x fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now