Part 11 - A friendly Pick up

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'Y/n will you open your door' i opened up the voice note from Mackie. I laughed to myself and complied opening the door seeing him standing at my door with 2 boxes of take out pizza, and Seb stood next to him.

' we got you your favourite' he says walking past me and into the living area, leaving me and seb at the door. I go to speak to him but i am cut off my Anthony shouting us to join him.

We watched a few films that night, it was exactly what i needed but i feel as though it was aparent that there was slight tension between us. Mackie had fallen asleep between both of us with his head resting on my stomach.

' seb' i break the silence, and he looks up at me ' im sorry'

' dont worry'

' no i need to expalin. Its just with everything that happened with me and tom, i worry that it will happen again , i dont want just a fling with you i care about you deeply'

His eyes light up and a smile is spead across his face.

' i dont want a fling with you y/n'

his hand reached across the back of the couch and i put mine back to meet his as-well.

' its up to you what we do but i wont pressure you for anything doll'

I smile at him. God i wanted to kiss him but Mackie was blocking both of us from making a move, and it wasnt exactly like i was gonna kiss seb whilst mackie was with us.


Its been 3 weeks since we have been in Prague filming for the falcon and the winter soldier and it was coming to a point where i was no longer needed in any scenes, they had all been filmed so i could go back home.

All the filming in Prague had near enough finished now anyway, a few scenes were needing to be filmed in the states , so i would need to travel to film for them.

Chris (ass man)

Y/n! When are you back!
I need to see you.

I smiled at the notification om my phone from my 'brother' i had truly missed him.

2 days. I will fly over to
Massachusetts i need to see
Dodger again!

As soon as i sent the message i booked my flight from Prague to Boston, meaning i would land at 10.35 am which meant i could sleep on the plane.

Dodger misses you! I will
Pick you up see you soon

I decided to go for a run considering i hadnt for a while. I grabbed my sports leggings with my nike crop top and the matching jacket to go with it. I put on my trainers connecting my airpods, starting to jog through the streets as soon as i left the hotel building.

I had been running for half an hour when I received a phone call from Seb.

Seb ' hey doll where are you?'
' running ' i said slightly out of breathe.
' sorry, come to my room when your done '
' okay'

I ended the ohone xall wondering what he could want? It was getting late now 7pm to be exact. I finished my run heading straight to my hotel room, not wanting to see seb whilst i was all sweaty.

I stripped out of my clothes getting knto the shower attactched my my hotel room. I washed my hair and the hotel water relaxed mt aching muscles from the run.

Once i turned the shower off i wrapped a towel around my body and one over my head. I wasnt planning on going back out anywhere so i got changed into sport shorts and an oversized white hoodie. I brushed my wet hair braiding it before sliding on some shoes and making my way over to sebs hotel room.

' hey doll' he said wrapping me in a hug without warning.

' hello seb' i pulled away from him as he led me into his hotel room. ' is everything okay?' I continued to follow him as we went further in.

' yeah i wanted to spend some time with you for a little while because i wont see you for a little while because im flying to greece tomorrow '

I felt a little upset i wouldnt see him. For the past 6 weeks i had seen him every day i was going to miss his company, since the split he has been by my side and we had grown really close. I guess the distance between us would help me to understand how i was truly feeling towards the man who stood infront of me.

'What do you have jn mind?' I asked him as we blth sat down on the couch.

' would you like to watch a film?'

' sure' i say smiling as he placed his hand around my shoulder pulling me closer.

We searched the tv looking for a film but nothing really showed up. Instead we came across the njght manager that was getting shown. A few years ago me and Tom met on the show and thats when sparks began to happen between us.

Seb looked at me for re assurance wether to put it on i nodded. It wasnt the episode i was in anyway so it didnt fuss me. To be honest i was expecting myself to get really upset after watching the show which made me find my first love but it didnt.

Did this mean i had finally moved on ?

We watched parts of it but the night was mainly filled with me and Seb sharing stories again with eachothers about our times on set and on stage mainly with me.

I shared the story of when i was in high school performing in oliver twist i was part of the dance routine but i had slipped over my costume making me fall and break part of the set along with fracturing my leg. At the time i was in so much pain and found it embarrassing, but now i found it hallerious and from sebs reaction he did too.


I had slept very well that night. Seb walked me back to my hotel room even hought it was literally down the hall he wanted to make sure i 'got there safe '. What he thought couldve happened i dont know but he was trying to be a gentleman so i cant be too harsh on him i guess.

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