Part 18 - An unwanted visitor

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Chris pov
It had been 3 months since anyone had seen y/n. Seb and Anthony last seen her when they all went out drinking. Since then, she has gotten a new boyfriend, mark I believe he is called.

She has texted us but recently she stopped. I had decided to fly over to New York to meet Seb, but in the process i decided i would visit y/n.

' who is it' i heard her shout once i knocked on her apartment door.
' Chris open the door'

Almost immediately she opened the door embracing me in a hug.
' ive missed you '
' ive missed you too. But are you gonna let me in'
' sorry of course '

She moved out of the way allowing me space to come in. We both walked into her living room taking a seat on her couch. Instantly something didn't seem right, she didn't offer me a drink nor did she sit on the same couch as me.

' so how have you been. No one has really sewn you'
' sorry about that I've been busy'
' its okay! What have you been working on'

She paused, trying to think of something. But what i dunno.
'Oh just a few things' she stammered over her words. What was going on with her.

I had barely been there 5 minutes and the front door opened reviling the tall man who i only presume is mark.  The tension in the room became very clear. The awkward silence showed i was no longer wanted here.

' i better get going. It was good to see you again' i stood up and went to give her a hug but she just smiled at me. I left the apartment grabbing my phone and making a group Chat.

Chris Evans renames the group chat serious

C: listen we need to talk. soemthing going on with y/n isn't right. I gave her a hug and i could feel her bones. Shes lost too much weight. Ans she isn't working.
S: i haven't spoken to her much since filming. She doesn't really answer me back.
A : not heard anything. Has anyone asked tom?

Chris Evans added Tom Hiddleston

C : tom have you heard from y/n?
T: 2 weeks ago she just asked if i was in new york why?
C: honestly i think mark is controlling her. She seems scared and has lost weight.
T: ill try calling her.

Chris left the apartment leaving me sat on the couch, looking at Mark who's anger boiled over him.

' i thought i told you no one comes here. ESPECIALLY men!'
' I'm sorry i didn't know he would be'
' bullshit'
' its not Mark honestly. He just turned up'
' have you told him! Because you know you fell down the stairs and that you're not well. '
' i didn't tell him i swear!'
' pass me your phone'

I take my phone out of my pocket handing it to him. He searches through looking for some form of evidence when the phone rings.
' why is tom calling you' i shrug my shoulders.
He answers the phone putting it on speaker

' darling? '
' hi tom you okay?'
' yeah are you. Chris just messaged me saying he was worried about you'
' im fine im just ill.'
' im here darling. Were still friends and i will always love you ' my face lit up slightly which I instantly regretted.
' thank you tom' mark ended the phone call throwing my phone across the room shattering it.

' you still love him don't you?'
' you do. After everything Ive done for you. You love him and not me' his fists connects with my face causing me to hit the floor .

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