Part 42 - November 13th

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'' doll we are going to be late''

We had flown out to Prague again. We both had time off this week and wanted to go away with each other, and we thought it would be good to go to the city were we had our first date 4 years ago.

Seb was stressing because we were running slightly late. I was putting my heels on to match with a jumpsuit i had decided to wear. Seb had booked out the same restaurant we had dinner at the first time, and it was little things like that that made me realise how much i truly loved him . He would remember the slightly detail and wouldn't forget it showing how much he really cared about me.

Taking one last look in the mirror at myself, i see him stood im the doorway with a suit on leaning crossing his arms, a smirk across his face. His eyes followed down my body and back up again.

'' you get more beautiful every day doll'' I turned a shade of pink to the compliment and took a hold of his hand as we walked out of the apartment we had rented out for the week. This was our last day here, and every day i have spent with him has been truly wonderful, making new memories I will treasure until the day i die.

Like the true gentle man he is, he held open every door for me and tucked my chair in as i sat down at the table. Located near the window, not many tables near by allowing us some privacy which i loved dearly .


'' I can't believe we go back home tomorrow. I don't wanna leave'' I admired to him as the waiter took away our plates off the table only leaving us with a bottle of wine and 2 glasses. We had ordered desert, despite the fact i had said i was full, he persuaded me to get one. Ordering from the menu a cheesecake the same as him.

'' me too doll. But we are both in New York meaning we don't have to be apart from each other,'' he said grabbing my hand.

'' a cheese cake for you ma'am'' the waiter placed my desert in front of me and it looked gorgeous, im thankful Seb had persuaded me.

We ate our deserts, Seb finishing his well before me, i was taking my time taking in how nice it truly was.

As i came to the end i saw a smirk come across his face. I looked confused at him, looking behind me but saw nothing. Turning my focus back to him, he nodded down at my plate, which read.

'Will you marry me?'

I stared at the plate in utter shock not knowing what to say. My eyes lifted up seeing seb now on one knee next to me , a velvet box open showing an elegant ring with a diamond stud in the middle.

''Y/n when i first met you, you were singing and dancing lightening the cast up from filming such a long shoot. And in that moment i knew that we would be great friends, someone who i could laugh with and we would have each others back. When you and Tom split you called me, and i bought us pizza whilst we watched Hercules. It was in that moment when i saw how hurt you was that i wanted to protect you and i have deeper feelings for you that I never had for anyone else. Then we came here and Mackie persuaded me to ask you on a date. And thank god he didn't because if he didnt I don't think i would be on one knee right now. Yes it took us a while to be together but I wouldn't have it any other way, i never thought in a million years i would fall for my closest friend, and i am so happy that i get to wake up next to the love of my life but also my best friend. So im asking you now y/n m/n l/n will you make the happiest man alive and marry me''

A wall of tears covered my eyes, happy tears obviously. Such a beautiful speech to come from the kindest, most loving man and my best friend.

'' if course i will '' i said through a chocked cry. He pushed the ring onto my finger, as i pulled him up off the floor connecting our lips together. The faint sound of claps echoing around the restaurant. We pulled away our foreheads resting against one another.

'' i love you Stan''

'' i love you too future Mrs Stan'' i smiled again connecting our lips.


15 months later.

Alert !
Actors Sebastian Stan and Y/n L/N have announce that this weekend they had sealed the deal, marrying each other. The wedding reported to have many big stars attending the wedding, many being the stars of Marvel and produces, as expected where they met on the set in Atlanta.
What is next in store for Sebastian Stan and Y/N Stan? We wish them all the best in the upcoming years.

Y/n PoV

The wedding was wonderful. Unfortunately Chris had split with his girlfriend, however my nan ended up being his date which she didnt complain about at all. Seb had difficulty picking his best Man, so we compromised, Anthony and Chris shared the role. Scarlet was my maid of honour and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Between them they had created the best hen do and stag do we could think off. The theme of the wedding was blue and yellow.

All men had blue 3 piece suits with a small yellow flower and a pastel yellow tie. My bridesmaids wore long blue dresses, all holding a bouquet of yellow flowers.

Since the absence of my dad, i asked my mum to walk me down the aisle, which made her cry, but who else would i ask?

'' do you Sebastian Stan take y/n m/n l/ m to be your lawfully wedded wife''

'' i do''

'' and y/n do you take Sebastian Stan to be your lawfully wedded husband''

'' i do ''

'' by the power vested in me by God and man. I now pronounce you wife and husband. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. You may now kiss the bride''

We connected our lips together, my arms wrapping around his neck whilst his held onto my waist.

Friends to lovers  - Sebastian Stan x fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now