Chapter 1 ~ Miss Me?

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Quick little thing, PLEASE TRY AND KEEP THE COMMENTS CLEAN! And no being rude in them either! We're all Marvel Nerds here!

Also, this is an AU meaning that things are not the same as in the MCU. And we have mixed the characters' personalities together from the MCU, comics, and many other shows. So if they don't act exactly like you would think they would, that's why.

And slight warning, this book will deal with anxiety and panic attacks. So just be warned about that. I will put a trigger warning at the start of the chapter that has panic attacks in them.

The art on the cover is not ours.


Yelena opened her truck door and got out, letting her dog out behind her. "Come on Fanny."

Fanny rushed off barking while Yelena followed behind, eyes on the ground. Her sad gaze lifted to look at the grave that was in front of her.

After learning the news of her sister's death, she had gone back to Ohio and bought a grave for her sister. She had chosen the little cemetery that sat near the house that she and Natasha lived in as kids. It bordered the little patch of woods that the two had played in when they were young, and just reminded Yelena of home.

The grave she had gotten wasn't a huge fancy one like the memorial in New York. But it was there, and it was special. Yelena had started coming back to visit the grave whenever she could, even though it made her long for the days when they lived in the little house.

For the days when she and Natasha had been together.

For the days when they had been happy.

For when things were perfect.

A while back, word had gotten out about the small grave in Ohio, and when Yelena returned to visit it, she had found gifts. That happened every time she returned. More gifts from those who didn't understand who they were mourning for.

Gently, Yelena went through all the things left at the bottom of the grave, setting them upright and straightening them. Her thoughts continued on like they did every time she visited.

Were those who left the gifts actually mourning for her older sister? Or did they just feel obligated to leave something for the superhero who sacrificed herself to save the world?

All the gifts were for the superhero.

Not for Natasha.

No one who left those gifts would understand what Natasha's sacrifice was truly for. Did Yelena even know herself?

Natasha wouldn't just die for a whole bunch of strangers, would she?

From here to the end of the chapter was written by @yahelimoon. (we did change a few things though, so it would flow better with our writing)

Yelena lowered her head to touch the stoned grave. She didn't know when the tears began streaming down her face, but through her blurry vision, she could see Natasha's name. Her big sister that she only reunited with a few months ago was now six feet under.

How did it all go so wrong in such a short time? How could things that seemed so perfect just vanish?

A memory resurfaced in her mind. Natasha, whistling to find her.

Yelena smiled to herself and repeated the whistle. That's how they always found each other, even in the darkest of places. The whistles had meant so much to them and still meant a lot to Yelena.

She could almost hear Nat whistling back...

"Miss me?"

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