Chapter 20 ~ Ты здесь

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Trigger warning for a panic attack. I'll put ~-------------------------------------~ at the start and finish so you know when to skip.

"Where is she!?" Yelena asked again, feeling panic rising in her. "What did you do to her?!"

"Nothing!" Tony replied.

"She should be here!" Bruce added.

Yelena glared at them, "Then where is she?!"

She should never have trusted these people! They had betrayed her and Natasha! Where was Natasha? She needed to find Natasha! She couldn't lose her!

Not again...

Noticing her panic, Wanda rested her hand on Yelena's shoulder, pulling it back when she flinched away from the touch. "We'll find her."

"Yeah! She couldn't have gone too far." Peter agreed.

Everyone else nodded.

"But what if we don't?!" Yelena asked, "What if we never find her and she's gone forever and it's all their fault?"

"Hey," Pepper spoke softly, "We will find her."

Yelena nodded slowly. Right. They would find Natasha and she would be fine and everything would be fine. Just fine.


But what if you don't find her? What then? The dark whisper asked.

No. We will find her. I need to find her. I can't lose her.

What if you already lost her? What if she's left because of you? What if she thought you were too weak and stupid to stay around? And if your own sister doesn't love you then who would? The whisper replied sharply.

SHUT UP! Just shut up! She wouldn't do that! She does love me!

Oh really?


Yelena's attention snapped up at Wanda. Since when was Yelena sitting in a corner of the room? She didn't remember moving.

"Hey, are you okay Yelena?" Wanda asked. She reached her hand out.

Yelena flinched away from the touch. Her eyes were on the people behind Wanda. Tony, Bruce, Pepper, Peter, and Lila were all looking at her. The others had left the room to go search for Natasha.

They're judging you. They think you're weak.

Yelena's breathing quickened. She scooted farther into the corner. Her knees were pulled up to her chest. She wrapped her arms tightly around herself.

She was shaking again. Why couldn't she stop shaking?

"Hey, hey, Yelena, it's okay!" Wanda didn't move forward anymore, "It's all okay! We'll find Natasha and it'll be just fine!"

No, it won't be. They're lying to you. The best part of your life was fake and none of them told you. They lied to you. Everyone always lies to you. They don't think you can handle the truth. They think you're too stupid to call out their lies.

Clenching her eyes closed, Yelena's hands jumped upwards to hold her head.

Weak. Idiot.

Shut up.

Useless. Jerk!

Shut up!

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