Chapter 3 ~ To Be Fair, You Were in Prison

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 The truck moved quickly down the freeway, carrying the three...? two...? two and a half...? one and a half and a dog? passengers swiftly to their destination.

Using the rearview mirror, Yelena glanced at Natasha. Natasha was sitting in the backseat, petting Fanny with one hand and holding Yelena's phone in her other. The phone was open to her fellow Avengers' instagram.

Yelena returned her gaze back to the road and wondered about how things would go when they made it to where they were going.

"So what's the plan?" Yelena had asked.

"We need to somehow bring me back fully."

"Well, I know that. But how do we do it?"

"Hmmm.... we need some help," Natasha had replied, "Maybe the Avengers?"

"But I don't know them and I don't think you ever actually told them about me, did you?"

Natasha had grinned, "I did not, but you'll get to know them soon enough."

"Oh great."

"Get off this exit up here," Natasha said when she glanced up from the phone.

"Alright," Yelena pulled off of the freeway and Natasha gave her her phone back, "Wow. He really does live in the middle of nowhere."

"I told you so."

"--and he lives in the middle of nowhere. You got all that?"

Yelena nodded, "I'm going to drive where you direct me. We'll get to your spy friend who watched you die's house that's in the middle of nowhere and try to convince him that I'm your sister and that you're actually a ghost and following me around while you try to find a way to come back fully in time to be there when your ребенок паук (Baby spider) wakes up."

"Right. But don't say it like that, it makes it sound crazy."

"This is crazy! Ты Сумасшедшая! (You're crazy!)"

"Вы видите мертвых людей. (You're the one that sees dead people)"

"What do I say? 'Heyyy! Remember your old partner that you watched die? Well, I'm her sister and she's stuck as a ghost! But wait! There's more! I'm the only one who can see her!'" Yelena dropped the fake cheeriness she was talking with, "Because I think that will make him assume I'm crazy."

"Probably," Natasha agreed, "but you won't know unless you try, so come on!"

Yelena groaned, but got out of the truck anyway. Fanny perked up and barked happily when Yelena let her out of the truck too.

"Stay close," she told the dog, then made her way to the house that sat alone in the middle of nowhere.

"Clint has a great security system. So he probably knows you're here. Also, this is a safe house, and no one but his family and some of the Avengers know where it is. So if he tries to kill you, don't be surprised." Natasha told her younger sister as she floated beside her.

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