chapter 14; the joys of arson [pt.1]

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[A/N] ~ Wrote this a bit hurried because inspiration was flowing but I was short on time. Life has been crazy busy for me lately! I did proofread but there's a chance some typos or bad grammar slipped under the radar. Please let me know if you see anything so I can make the necessary revisions. Thank you!! <3


- A week later -

Charlotte rides alongside Arthur across the dry Scarlet Meadows. Originally, they'd set out for an afternoon of hunting gators beached in the hot sun but one thing led to another and well... they spent their time engaging in much more thrilling activities. When they finally returned to camp with only enough money for one poor quality pelt, Hosea rolled his eyes with a knowing grin as he dropped the money into the camp lockbox. The two were unusually happy, getting along suspiciously well. It hadn't gone unnoticed that on several occasions they'd both returned from "hunting trips" or "running errands" with their hair astray and clothing accessories missing. 

However, Dutch's involvement with the two crazy and potentially inbred families of Rhodes, the Gray's and the Braithwaite's, had kept the other gang members just distracted enough to not notice their antics. The only person to catch on was Hosea - hardly anything slips past him unnoticed, even as he grows older. He finds himself conflicted with the situation he sees unfolding before him. While it pleases him greatly to see the two finding comfort in one another, the timing is less than ideal. Dutch pushes the gang closer to danger everyday and eventually, the tension will rise to the point of explosion. It's unavoidable and Hosea knows it.

"Charlotte, come 'ere for a moment." Before she walks away, distracted by an inside joke with Arthur, Hosea catches her attention, waving her inside the leader's tent.

"Your father has asked us to head over to Braithwaite Manor. Sean and I are gonna head over soon, you two refuel and then head out. Okay?"

"Yes sir." Her voice is chipper as she turns to head back out of the tent.

"Now, just you wait a minute!" Hosea scoffs, gently grabbing her wrist to pull her back in. 

"What is it, Hosea?" 

"Just... Don't let Dutch know what you two have been up to. He won't be happy about it."

The color drains from her face, smile disappearing instantaneously. "What are you on about, old man?"

"I may be old but I'm not stupid, Charlotte. You two couldn't even ride near each other and now your taking any excuse to ride off alone together." 

Charlotte stutters to find some explanation aside from the truth.

"Don't waste time lying to me, girl, I see right through you." His hand strokes her upper arm comfortingly. "When I told you to look at Arthur a different way... I wanted both of you to realize what was between you that you were just too damn stubborn to see it."

Silently, she shifts her weight from one side to the other, anxiety rising.

"Relax! I'm saying I'm happy for you. Your secret is safe with me." 

A smile spreads across her face, at last. She swings her arms around him, aggressively pulling the gentleman into a warm embrace. He takes the moment, holding the girl tightly and reminiscing on the days she wasn't two inches taller than him. When she could hardly hold her own gun or ride a horse. How the years have changed them both.

"Thank you Hosea. For understanding." With a final smile, she releases him and exits the tent to find Arthur. 

Not a single day has passed that Hosea hasn't worried for Arthur and Charlotte's future. Just because they were adults now and had each other for protection, his fear hadn't left him. He watches the girl he has raised into a young woman walk away. Someday, not far away now, she wouldn't be his little girl anymore.

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