chapter 39; blood and oil

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The men tuck away behind crates, awaiting Cornwall's boat. Within minutes, a small but extravagant steam boat, one of many Cornwall owns, slowly eases to the dock. Hired hands leap off the deck, laying down a wide boardwalk for the men in dapper suits to exit the boat across. Several pass by the hidden men unknowingly. They exchange pleasantries and polite thank you's for the time spent out on the sea.

A familiar face steps from the small cabin, tailed by the infamous Leviticus Cornwall.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Cornwall."

"This was strictly a business meeting, Mr. Milton. We are not friends." Cornwall scoffs, rejecting the Agents offered handshake. "I have spent a considerable amount of money with your agency and still, nothing. This Van der Linde robs me and laughs at me. I asked for the best. I paid for the best!" His rough voice raises with anger, hands waving with enthusiasm.

"We are very close, Mr. Cornwall. I know you've heard this before-" Milton starts, Leviticus cutting him off to order one of his men to send a telegram in the direction of New York.

"We are doing everything we can within the law, sir." Milton finishes.

"I have heard it all before. I think we both know what you can do with your laws, Mr. Milton. Find me Dutch Van der Linde, bring him here and leave the laws to them as need them! Now, good day, sir." Cornwall states, waving the law men away. They disappear down the dock, the neatly suited men following the lead agent.

The outlaws wait patiently in their hiding spots as men finish unloading the boat. Cornwall stands nearby, overseeing them. Mr. Didsbury, a plain mustached gentleman with dirty white sleeves rolled up halfway, approaches Cornwall with an issue regarding the local mine. The two bicker back and forth on the matter before Didsbury relents.

"Business doesn't give two figs about feelings, sir. It's a nonsense that will bring a plague on both out houses." Cornwall barks at the man.

"Perhaps there is a plague on both your house already, Mr. Cornwall." Dutch smoothly steps from his hiding spot, his natural charisma shining through.

Arthur had received no signal or sign of any kind to warn him of Dutch's approach. He stumbles to his feet, cautiously following his lead.

"What do you want, sir? Your impudence will be your undoing." Cornwall asks slowly through tightly clenched teeth.

"I'm already undone. Even my best friend here, he thinks I'm crazy." Dutch gestures to Arthur with a laugh as if this all a casual conversation between good friends. "And like this poor fellow you are talking to, my feelings are hurt."

"You robbed me, sir!"

"And you robbed him. Funny world." Dutch points to Didsbury, a grin briefly stretching his lips before "You kill, I kill. You rob, I rob. Only difference I can see is I choose whom I kill and rob and you destroy everything in your path."

"I've heard just about enough." Cornwall warns. His dozen hired hands slowly raise rifles, stepping closer to the situation unfolding.

"I tell you what. You give me this ship, ten thousand dollars and safe passage out of here and I'll let you live."

All of the men on board roar with laughter. "I'll do no such thing!"

His final words. Without a pause or hesitation, Dutch unholsters his pistol with an evil smile. "Good. I prefer it this way." He spits before firing a single shot through the rich man's chest.

Arthur jumps for cover as the fight breaks out. Rifles fire from all directions and within minutes, the town bell tolls, signaling danger and alerting the polices attention.

"You've lost your damn mind!" He shouts over the chaos.

"Noise, Arthur! Noise!" Dutch laughs as he fires off another shot.

The dock floods with men. The water below turns murky with spilled oil and blood. The situation, never truly within their control, will turn dire soon if they don't get off the dock and find better cover. Arthur takes the lead, providing cover as they charge into town.

Micah, who'd split from the group earlier in search of important documents, is in the building that covers the train tracks. It's a winding staircase covered in more angry guns to get to the top. Like the professional outlaws they are, they fight their way through the crowd to find Micah at the top, waving the papers over his head.

Now, a dozen of Cornwalls men alongside the local police force stand between them and the way home.

"We had enough heat on us before, now we're going to be torched, Dutch!" Arthur barks with fury as he takes down a few men from behind the support beam of the factory.

"This is the only way! You'll see. Trust me!" Dutch answers from somewhere unseen.

"Trust you..." Arthur scoffs.

"You sure you got the lungs for this, Black Lung?" Micah laughs from the opposite direction.

"Shut the hell up, fool!" Arthur works his way to the opposite side of the building, bursting through a side door simultaneously with his companions. They look at each other for a moment before charging forward, working together to provide cover. "I thought you said this wasn't a revenge mission!"

"It wasn't! We got exactly what we came for. Those papers!" Dutch bellows, leading them in the direction of a four horse drawn stagecoach. Wielding his knife, he releases the steeds from the tack. "Let's get the hell out of here!"

Micah and Arthur take two of the other horses. A sharp slap on the rear sends the last horse running for safety.

"You boys have lost your minds." Arthur grumbles again.

"I have felt a lot of guilt in this life, Arthur. I've killed too often and poorly but not this time, son." Dutch calls.

Their eyes meet, Arthur searching his face for any sign of the man he once knew and loved. For a moment, he sees him, the young man who saved a young boy and raised him and taught him everything he knows.

But now he's gone.

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