Chapter 9

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Astra was jerked back to the present by a soft knocking on her door, and she quickly opened it. 

"Yes? Oh, it's you. Is it time to go yet?" Daryll's gaze softened as he nodded. 

She stretched before saying, "Just give me a moment. Uh- I'll meet you at the gates?" 

"Sure," The bandit replied, smiling slightly before leaving. Closing her door, she quickly put on her armour and placed her sword on her back, her two katanas on either side of her hips. 

Shutting her door, she tucked her Ender Pearl necklace under her armour, before running towards the castle gates, where Daryll was waiting.

"Ready?" He asked her with humor in his gaze. 

"Always," Astra returned, holding up her torch as she mounted Midnight. Then, both rode out of the safety of Dreadfort. The night was still, silent, but Astra knew better. Dismounting from her horse once they had reached a dark forest, she quickly crafted a fence and tied the lead around it. Pulling out a bow, Daryll gave her a questioning glance. 

"Never knew you used a bow," he commented. 

"I try to learn how to use every weapon," she replied half-heartedly, her gaze wary, scanning the surroundings. Eyeing a tall spruce tree, she quickly scaled it, reaching the top and carefully scanning the surroundings. Creeper, zombie... another zombie... skeleton, spiders, oh, an Enderman. The purple, lanky figure stared at her before dipping its head slightly and teleporting away. 

Sliding back down to the ground, Daryll regarded her with amusement, but still asked her what she had seen. 

"Skeletons headed here. A few creepers... I'll deal with them. You get the skeletons." With that, she drew her bow, patiently waiting. All too soon, she heard the familiar soft hissing of creepers and a flash of green speckled movement caught her eye. 

"Don't move," she muttered to Daryll. 


"Just trust me." Taking a breath, she aimed it at the bandit, who faltered, yet he remained still. 

"I... trust you," he exhaled softly, standing there. Astra simply let the arrow fly, and it whizzed past him, missing him by mere centimetres and slamming straight into a creeper, knocking it back as he whipped around, killing it with one more shot. 

"You... really thought I was going to kill you?" 

Daryll hesitated before laughing, "Well, I can never tell with you-" 

Astra's gaze hardened and she snapped, "Don't you dare, speak of me about trust." Sighing, she shook her head. 

"That... came out harsher than I expected... Nevermind... I'm sorry- I just... Don't question my loyalties." Daryll let out a breath, saying, "No- I shouldn't have questioned your loyalties... I do trust you, you know?" Astra sighed, knowing that he was right. 

"Yeah... I trust you." The bandit smiled softly at her and she couldn't help but grin back. This night of monster hunting sure would go by easy alright.


Astra placed all their loot in a pack, securing it onto the horse. It was morning, so they were safe now. 

"Astra...?" Daryll's voice jerked her out of her thoughts. 

"Yes?" She asked. 

"Listen- About that night... I think... I mean, maybe it was just the pressure from everyone..." Astra's heart felt like it had just dropped to the ground.

"I mean..." She started, struggling to keep her emotions under check. How could she have fallen so hard, so fast? Why did you do that, you idiot? She scolded herself mentally. 

"Well, then why were you the one looking for my permission?" Astra countered quickly. 

Daryll faltered, but finally admitted, "Yeah... you are right... I-" 

"You know what, let me make this simple, we should give this a try... right?" Astra's blue eyes stared at him seriously, yet her gaze was soft. 

"You mean... give... us a try?" Daryll questioned quietly. 

"I will do it if you also-" 

"Yes," the bandit spoke simply. 


"I will give... us a try." Those words echoed in her mind as she looked at him, their gazes locked, blue staring into brown, brown staring into blue, a long silence hanging between them. Finally, Astra offered him a tentative smile, one which Daryll returned. Maybe... maybe this would work out. Maybe... they would work out. 

*chucks an update* aight this is wayyy overdue so here.. uhm... nothing much to say, just that we are almost at 400 reads which is really awesome so thanks to everyone! Hope you enjoyed, please vote, comment and follow! <3

~Lightningstar out

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