Chapter 12

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A few days had gone by since they rescued Rain, and Astra could feel a growing sense of dread. Something was coming... something big. The vision... Her eyes widened. There was no way... Would The End really do that? I have to warn Theo. But then if it really happened, whose side would she take? Letting out a frustrated growl, she shook her head furiously. This was so STUPID! Why did she have to choose? Reluctantly, she unlocked her room door and ran out, heading towards the Grandmaster's quarters. Knocking on the door, she was promptly let in by Theo himself. 

"There's something you need to know-" she stopped abruptly when she reached the meeting room, narrowing her eyes. 

"Why is he here?" Astra questioned, glaring at Rain. "These are private matters, Theo." The boy simply returned her glare. The Grandmaster regarded them calmly, seemingly undisturbed by their strained relationships. 

"He is part of the Frostbourne now," Theo spoke quietly. 

"Surely he is not part of The Council though! There's no way!" Astra exclaimed. 

"Excuse me," Rain snapped, "I'm pretty sure the Grandmaster has made himself clear. It's not like I would have to leave, do I?" 

"It would be preferred if you did," Astra shot back. 

"Nevermind," she sighed, regaining her composure. 

"I have heard... rumors," she started, picking her words carefully. She wasn't sure what they might do if she revealed herself, she had to be cautious. 

"About what?" Rain cut in. 

"Patience is a virtue," Astra retorted before continuing, "That The End is planning something big. There has been increased activity near the Strongholds, no?" Theo hesitated. Whatever he knew, he didn't seem very keen to share. 

Eventually, however, he admitted, "Yes. I would think they are planning an attack. I have already told everyone to be on guard. The End..." Theo paused. 

"They have the element of surprise... with their Endermen... we have to be careful," he finished. Astra's emotions were... turbulent, stormy. 

She sighed heavily, muttering, "As if we don't already have enough to worry about." She and Theo shared a glance, knowing full well of the vulnerability of The Frostbourne. The Undead were closing in - They lost more and more territory day by day. With another attack by The End... They didn't have to say anything. 

"Fill him in," she tossed over her shoulder telling Theo to explain to Rain, who was looking incredibly confused, before leaving the room. 

As Rain watched Astra leave, he turned to Theo, commenting dryly, "She really hates me, doesn't she?"

 "Yeah. Then again, having relationships with her - even as a friend - is really confusing." The Grandmaster shrugged. "You just have to learn to go along with it." Rain just blinked. 

"What even-"


Astra was sitting in the canteen, drinking yet another cup of tea. 

"Whatcha doing?" Someone called, humour in her voice. Dexter. 

"What does it look like I'm doing? Drowning my sorrows in tea," Astra replied sarcastically and Dexter laughed, sitting down with a cup of coffee. Astra instinctively wrinkled her nose at the sight of it. 

"What, you don't like coffee?" Her companion laughed. 

"Nope," She shuddered.

"Ohhh this'll be interesting. You and Patrick would be sworn enemies!" Dexter cackled, causing Astra to look at her weirdly. 

"What?" She asked, and the black-haired woman just rolled her eyes and shook her head. Still, it was nice having Dexter around... she could distract her from her troubled thoughts. 

"Right," Astra muttered, draining her cup. "I gotta go train." 

"Seriously?? I've got a better idea. You're always training, that's no fun," Dexter pouted and she laughed. 

"Fine, fine. What do you want to do?" The brown/blue haired woman's eyes gleamed with mischief as she rubbed her hands together. 

"Pranks. And I know exactly what we should do."

5 minutes later...

Ser Patrick was out training, which was great! Not so great - he was probably coming back soon. 

"So how are we going to do this?" Dexter asked. 

"Put on your elytra," Astra grinned. 

"Are you gonna tell me anything?!" 


Dexter just groaned. Grabbing ahold of Astra, she leapt off the launch pad, gliding smoothly through the air. 

"Patrick always keeps his windows open!" Astra yelled over the wind. 

"Wait... WHAT?! Don't tell me what I think you're thinking." A devious smirk appeared on Astra's face. 

"No, Astra. No." 

"Yes!" She laughed, guiding Dexter towards the open window. 

"3... 2... 1..." she mumbled under her breath as they neared the wall... Astra let go of Dexter's hands, flying toward the open window. She landed with a roll, grunting. Her gaze flicked towards the table, where Patrick's cup of coffee lay. Grabbing the cup, she quickly emptied it, pouring it down the sink. 

"Astra!" She heard her partner in crime call and ran to the window. Dexter swept by, tossing her a flask and giving her a mock salute. Uncapping it, she quickly poured the tea into the cup and placed it back where it was. Suddenly, she heard footsteps outside the room and her eyes widened. Oh shit! The thought rang out in her mind as she made a dash for the window, leaping out... 

"Oof!" Dexter groaned as she caught Astra, but searched her expression carefully. 

"Did it work?" Astra just laughed and Dexter heaved a relieved sigh. Now, to watch as Patrick drank the tea... 

"Here, take this," Astra passed Dexter a glass bottle. They were now safely in her room. The bottle was filled with a pinkish purple liquid and she laughed when Dexter regarded it with wariness. 

"Drink up. It's a potion of invisibility," she explained, gulping hers down. 

"C'mon! Let's go!" she hissed, climbing out of her window. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Dexter whispered worriedly. 

"Hurry up!" Astra replied as she entered Patrick's room with a soft thud, Dexter soon followed. Good, he hadn't noticed. In fact, he looked so tired I bet he won't even notice when he drinks the- Astra had to stifle a laugh as Patrick groped for the cup, lifting it up and taking a sip, just to spit it out right after. 

"W-What?! That's disgusting!" He spluttered, literally throwing the cup out of the window. Next to her, Dexter couldn't help but burst out into laughter, and Patrick turned towards where they were. 

"Oh damnit! Abort! Abort!" Astra screeched, removing the potion effects to reveal her and Dexter, both having elytras this time. Just as he was about to grab them, Astra jumped out of the window - again. Dexter soon leapt out after her. All Patrick could do was stare in shock as the two of them glided away, with a triumphant hi-five. 

So, a little bit of Astra-ness ahha- Sorry for the long wait >.< Yeah so hope yall enjoyed, please vote, comment and follow! <3

~Lightningstar out

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