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Written by: Talon

Edited by: Peregrine and Crow


It comes at the dawn of the Featherfall...

When the wind blows, the birds will call

A single scream will end all

It comes at the dawn of the Featherfall...


It was a pleasant afternoon. The wind was placid, gently swaying the branches that his feet were under. The scent of honeysuckles and petrichor wafted through the jungle canopy; a sign of summer. He was suspended tens of meters off of the ground, but it was alright. He wasn't afraid of heights. One arm after the other, he ascended higher and higher into an ancient tree. Laughter rippled through the leaves as he and his best friend swapped jokes and chattered like birds.

His best friend added so much to this amazing day. In fact, they had been friends for so long that he had forgotten a time without him. His friend had been there for him for forever; they were inseparable, the two did everything together.

The wind was playing with the leaves, almost laughing as it lazily twisted and turned through the branches. It knew all, it knows all. It knew what was to come...

A snap, a break, a scream...


Grian reached out to his friend, only to hear the terrifying screeching of the very thing that they were searching for...

The Featherfall has come...

They had trespassed into the land of the forbidden. Grian looked up to see the source of the blood-curdling screech. He was terrified of it.

The Thunderbirds.

Wings as blue as the darkest storm, they scream, sending waves of terror down Grian's spine. He whipped his head around to see another thing that he was terrified of. It was as if things had gone into slow motion as he saw the horror on his friend's face, falling meters to the forest floor.

A sharp pain. Then, nothing.

The Thunderbirds' call the last thing he remembered, his friend's name the only thing on his lips.

It was the dawn of the Featherfall...


Thank you for reading! We hoped that you enjoyed. This prologue was a time in the making :D

Featherweight belongs to @DoctorSiren. We are in no way trying to copy her or rip her off. 

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