
18 2 0

Written by: Talon, Jay, Robin, and Flamanai

Edited by: Wing, Flamanai, Robin


A boy screams and grows his wings

His voice quivers and turns to sing

His best friend leaves him alone in the dark

As his calls out with his broken heart


A scream mixed with the sound of thunder.

Grian awakened in a cold sweat, a sharp pain radiating through his back and his left arm. Questions formed in his mind. Had he fallen? Had he gotten hurt and forgotten? He didn't know where the pain had come from, or how it had started, but something hung from the back of his mind.

The scar...

His scar ached...

Quickly, he tears off his jumper, panic seeping in, joining the fear that he already had. He fingered the long, twisting scar that spilled down from his left shoulder, receiving pain in response. It was strange; it had seemed so real this time.

He knew it was just a memory, from the days of Evo.

He knew it was a nightmare.

However, this time something felt different. This time, the dream was more vivid than ever. He could still feel the cold wind and smell the honeysuckles that grew beneath the tree. He still felt the vertigo from the swaying of the branches. He still heard the screaming of his friend as he fell...


I thought I was done with this nightmare...

...but now it haunts me everywhere...

He winced with pain as he swung his legs over the side of his bed, clutching his jumper with feverish hands. His back hurt so much... why? A flash of foreign colour alerted him. He stares at it, confused.

A slate-blue feather...

Almost like...

No, it couldn't be...

All at once, Grian jumped up- ignoring his pain- and ran to the large window that framed the back of his room and threw open the shades. Nothing. Not even a crack. There was no way that a Thunderbird feather could find its way into Hermitcraft, especially in his own mansion.

A crash of thunder interrupted his thinking, causing him to twitch with shock. He then cried out, collapsing to the floor, as his back spasmed in an exceptionally horrible wave of pain. His whole body ached from falling to the cluttered floor. Grian laid down- his head laying on his discarded jumper- and exhaled slowly.

What the heck was happening to him?

Was he sick? Grian sits up, struggling to do such, at this thought. He needed to check and make sure. He shifts to his knees and stands up, looking out the window to the spruce forest that reigned free behind his mansion. The rain was furious, and the wind even more; they pounded against his window with a livid temper. Yet, it was peaceful in a way. Grian exhaled once more and slowly stood up, bracing himself on the windowsill. He noticed the clock on his way to his feet.

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