Myth, Not Me

17 2 1

Written by: Talon, Crow, Robin

Edited by: Flamanai, Crow


Little Birdie weeps his sorrows

Lasting day to day's tomorrow

His feathers grow and his claws sharpen

His spirits, low, and his love darkens


Grian was confused.

Why did Mumbo leave him so soon?

Did Mumbo hate him?

There's no way he couldn't.

He- He was just telling me lies...

I'm horrifying.


Grian stared at the open door that Mumbo left through.

I thought I loved you...


Mumbo walked quickly along a well-worn path through the jungle, thinking. He couldn't believe himself. Alone with his thoughts, he could hear his mind screaming at him to go back to Grian. But he wouldn't.

He couldn't.

He was having uneasy thoughts; thoughts that would turn this relationship into something horrible.

Mumbo knew that Grian was pained by his actions, but Mumbo also knew that he couldn't stay.

Who knows what would've happened if he had stayed. It wouldn't have been good.

He had already pushed the relationship to an unhealthy point. He needed to back off, and let things settle down. It was for the best.

Arriving at his massive monolith structure that he called home, he equipped his elytra and flew up to the top level of it, where a small campsite presented itself underneath a giant, golden heart. It was nothing special, but he enjoyed the quaint setting.

It was the perfect place to think...

... About Grian.

He couldn't help himself. He was madly in love with Grian. But he shouldn't be that way...

It was wrong.

He's just a friend...


Grian was crying. He didn't know how long he had been crying, but it was definitely more than a few minutes. He was curled in a fetal position on the floor, wrapping his arms around his knees, feeling completely alone. Feathers continued to grow on his body, spreading from his face, down his neck, and across his chest. They were blue like his tears.

He felt afraid of himself. Since Mumbo hated him, who was to say that the others would too?

Would they kill him?

His heart lurched at that thought.

No- no, no, no-

His mind flooded with panic, making the feathers grow even faster. He wanted to scream, he wanted to rip every single little feather off of his body, but he knew that they would just grow back. He wanted to do something permanent, something that would stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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