Part 19

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It came to dinner and Nat was refusing to leave so I texted her.

Y/n: you okay? You're foods going to get cold.
Nat: 😴😴
Y/n: come get some dinner then you can sleep
Nat: 🥱🥱🙄🙄
Y/n: don't use that tone with me.
Nat: 🤭🤭
Y/n: fine I'll bring it to you.

I chuckled at the messages and went to get nats dinner.

'Hey nat I got you some food.' I opened the door and saw Nat laid in bed. 'You okay?' I asked placing her food on the bedside table. 'Mhm.' She responded. 'Y/n? Never mind.' She pulled up the covers. 'Nat. You can tell me anything.' I folded the blanket back over. 'I need a- can I have a hug?' I lifted the duvet and slid in next to her opening my arms. She snuggled into my arms. 'I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked.' She went to protest but I cut her off and pulled her closer. 'I'll hug you anytime you want.' She sighed before falling asleep in my arms.

I woke up at 11pm to a note next to my bed.

Sorry late night training session with Steve.
If you need another hug come find me anytime :)
p.s Thor ate half your pizza I'm sorry but I made you cookies

I flipped it over and it read

Actually I made the cookies,
Have a nice rest

After reading the note I remembered falling asleep in y/ns arms. How could I be so stupid? Y/n has enough going on they don't need me burdening them with my stupid feelings. If they find out I'm a little I don't know what I'd do.

I re read the note and saw the cookies next to it. Great so Wanda knows I was an idiot. Maybe she didn't read that part? Either way I'm so stupid. But I haven't slipped yet or come close, I've wanted to, I know it's wrong but I have thought about it but luckily I can't there's something holding me back. Maybe it's my caregiver problem? Well it's not really a problem, they left me, to be honest I don't blame them. There was still three slices of pizza and cookies on my table and I didn't want to disappoint y/n so I started eating, I left two cookies but I ate the majority of my food.

The next few days were honestly kind of boring, ever since I came back things felt... different. Like something had changed or was missing, but everything was the same as before. Except the fact that I haven't been properly little yet but I wasn't little for years and I didn't feel like this. Maybe I just needed to get back to my old routine, I've been cleared to start training again so maybe I should do that to take my mind off things. It's annoying I can't train hard like I usually do or go on missions just yet but this is at least something.

I was sat on my bed reading when I heard two faint knocks on the door. 'Come in!' The door opened and Natasha stood smiling at me. 'I was wondering if you wanted to train? If not it's fine I can ask Steve.' I smiled back and nodded before grabbing my hoodie. 'So how are you feeling?' I asked trying not to be too forceful or personal. 'I'm good, it's good to be back and I'm not as confused anymore.' I was going to ask her more about what she was confused on but decided not to Nat didn't like sharing at the best of times.
After we were done training we sat against the wall and talked for what felt like hours it wasn't exactly a deep conversation but it was nice all the same.

'I should probably get a shower.' She said standing up and collecting her things. 'Yeah me too but this was nice, thanks for asking me to join you.' She gave me a nod of acknowledgment before walking back off again. I took a shower myself before going to the kitchen to grab a snack I settled on a chocolate bar and sat on the couch and turned on my favourite program. I must have fallen asleep at some point because I woke up to Steve shaking me. 'Y/n wake up. Y/n it's Nat.' I shot up and ran to nats room Steve followed behind.

Tony POV
'Mr Stark sir miss romanoff is in distress.' Jarvis alerted i pulled up her vitals it showed she was asleep but with increased heart rate. Another nightmare the poor kid. 'Where's y/n?' I asked making my way out the door. 'Y/n is asleep on the couch i don't want to disturb them.' I walked into Nat's room and saw she was now awake but curled up in the corner. 'Hey Nat.' I said quietly moving towards her slowly trying desperately not to scare her. She didn't say anything she just hid her face again as the sobs got louder. 'Nat how can I make you feel better?' I didn't exactly know how to deal with this situation, I didn't know if she was big, little or anything. 'Y-y/n.' She stuttered through the whimpers. 'Okay I'll go get y/n.' I turned to leave but I heard a cry behind me. 'Stay.' I squeezed my eyes shut fighting away the urge to cry. I don't know why this was affecting me me this much. 'Ok ok I'm staying can you take deep breaths for me?' I exaggerated my breathing for her to copy after slight hesitation she followed and settled a bit more. 'Good, okay let me get y/n for you.' She let out another whine. 'Please don't go I'm scared.' She pleaded. 'Im not going I promise, Jarvis tell Steve the situation and have him wake up y/n please.' Nat softened at the thought of y/n coming back.

'Hey Nat, look who's here.' I grinned Nat looked up and instantly smiled. 'Hi Natasha.' Y/n knelt on the floor and opened their arms Nat shuffled forward and nestled in between y/ns legs allowing them to stretch out properly. 'It was scary I-' Nat went to explain but y/n shushed her. 'You don't have to explain i know you don't like talking. We can just sit and cuddle.' Nat relaxed at the thought and leant back against y/n's chest who in return wrapped their arms around around her.

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