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"Well that's done. I have to go now." Dream tells us as we finish a bit of my lore, most of it at least. "I'll text you later, Aria." I let out a soft hum, still a bit upset over that he has to go.

I get that he's busy, we all are. I just wish he could've just stayed a little bit longer. "Bye." I don't respond to the blonde but Wilbur does. After that he leaves, leaving me with Wilbur in the call.

"What's wrong, Ari? I can literally smell your upset." I see him turn on his camera and I turn on mine. "I don't know why I'm upset about that he has to go, maybe because I'm so used to talking to him all day."

"We text a lot. Maybe I'm getting to attached, or depened on him. Maybe space is good." I ramble, making Wilbur softly nod, clearing his throat before he starts talking.

"Maybe, or you like him." I scoff and shake my head. "No, we're just friends. I've told you this before, Wil. And even if I did, I don't want to ruin our friendship so I would for sure make sure those feelings disappear if they were there."

"If you say so, Ari. So how has it been at Gogy's house?" Wilbur changes the subject, knowing I don't want to talk about this any longer. "It's been good. I missed hanging around with my best friend." I tell him.

He gasps dramatically, putting his hand on his heart. "What about me?" I snicker and a grin grows on his lips. "You're more like a brother, you know that." Wilbur nods at my words.

"I was just joking. So any plans for the rest of the weekend with Georgenotfound?" I shrug at the question. "We're probably just going to do whatever comes to mind, we have always done that."

"Fair enough. I'll let you go back to hanging with George, we'll talk later." We say our bye's before we both disconnect from the call. I turn off George's computer, who was kind enough to let me use it for this call.

I was supposed to be home this weekend, but I decided to drive up to London to hang out with George, missing my best friend a lot lately. I had been so busy with Tommy and driving him to school that I forgot to hangout with friends.

I stand up from the chair and take my phone in my hand while I walk out of George his room and into the living room. "Thanks for letting me use your computer for that call."

George looks up from the tv, he's watching some show while he was waiting for me to finish. "No problem, what do you want for dinner?" I shrug and let myself drop onto the couch next to him, a sigh leaving my lips.

"I don't really mind, but I could go for some home made lasagna." A grin is at the end of George's lips. "Lets go cooking then." He jumps up from the couch and practically runs towards the kitchen.

I snicker and notice I'm getting a phonecall from Jimmy. "I'll be there in a second! Jimmy is calling!" I get an 'okay' back and pick up the incoming call.

"Ariana!" I laugh as I hear Chris is the one who actually called. "Hi Chris, did you steal Jimmy's phone again?" I ask him and he shortly chuckles at the other end of the line.

"I'm here, you're on speaker." Jimmy's voice enters my ear. "I wanted to call you about if you brought out your EP, can we help produce some music video's?"

"Of course you guys can! I've been actually thinking of some ideas for a few songs. I'll text them later, I have to go help George make lasagna." I snicker, knowing we will probably fail.

"Take your time, good luck with the lasagna." I thank them before we end the call. I put my phone in my backpocket before walking over to the kitchen, seeing that George has started a cooking stream.

"I have one phonecall and you decide to stream our cooking skills?" I ask him and a grin is on his face as he nods at me. "Now they can see the nightduo cook." I shrug and wave at chat.

The fans named us the nightduo since we sneak out at night a lot to just hang around outside, mostly in the playgrounds close to our houses. I met George when I was six, friends ever since.

He moved to London after High School. Tommy pretends he never met George before he met him online, it's a well known bit between them, which the fans love.

"I already started the basics." George tells me and I softly nod, scanning to see what he already did. "Oh we're making the nightduo lasagna, even better." I grin and he nods.

His phone rings and he picks it up from the counter, frowning. "Hello?" The phone is on speaker. "Why am I not invited?" Sapnap's voice fills the room, making me chuckle.

"Because you're in Florida and not here." I tell him, making George nod. "That's it. I'm buying a plane ticket." With that he hangs up, making George and I laugh.

"Text me the details." I laugh into the camera. "Yeah, we'll see if we have room or if you need a hotel!" George adds on, making the chat freak out at the possible meet-up, that they know will probably not happen.

"Lets agree to ignore phones until we're done." I nod and we both put our phones on silent before putting them on the counter, finally starting on our lasagna while interacting with chat.

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