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"Y/N HURRY UP THE STREAM STARTED." I heard my friend Liz say from the living room.

I grabbed the popcorn from the microwave, put some butter flavoring on it, and walked it back to the couch. Before I could get to seating myself on the couch Liz started fangirling.

We were watching one of the big lore streams that was happening today. It happened to be when Tommy went to go visit Dream for the last time in prison. Personally I didn't like Tommy's content. He was really loud, obnoxious and kind of toxic sometimes. I never understood why people let him say some of the things he did without repercussions. So that's why I didn't ever watch his content and tried to avoid him at all cost.

I didn't have a choice today though as it was a major lore stream with Dream in it so I had to watch it. My friend on the other hand, Liz, was an absolute Tommy stan. As soon as his streams would start she would scream at the tv. I never understood her infatuation with him.

I finally got comfy on the couch lifting my legs up to lay on the coffee table. I set the bowl full of popcorn in between Liz and I and started to dig in. As soon as the intro was over it immediately jumped right in. Tommy had stood outside of the prison looking up at the giant building. He took a big sigh beginning to walk in monologing about how it would be his last time in the prison. I couldn't care enough to listen so I took out my phone and scrolled on Twitter.

"Y/N GET OFF YOUR PHONE THEY ARE GOING IN TO SEE DREAM!" Liz said beginning to jump excitedly.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the screen. Sam and Tommy were at the giant lava wall as Tommy still continued babbling on about how he was seeing Dream for the last day for "closure". Knowing Tommy and Dreams characters there was no way that Tommy was going to get closure. Dream had so much control over the server even while in prison. Tommy's character on the other hand had been so traumatized that in my opinion and had developed some sort of Stockholm syndrome for Dreams character.

Going through each possible scenario in my head how this interaction would go as the lava dropped I was very intrigued. As the lava had finished dropping Liz was on the couch bouncing up and down screeching and beginning to curse out Dream even before Tommy could get the chance. I began to giggle a bit about Liz's excitement.

"Y/N ITS HAPPENING OH MY GOD!!! FUCK YOU DREAM!" Liz said almost air punching the Tv.

Tommy's character began walking along with the moving bridge towards Dream and I looked over to Tommy's webcam. He honestly had to be the only streamer who consistently did lore with his webcam on. It made me uneasy for some reason it also in my opinion took away from the story. I tried to ignore it and continue on with the lore.

Dream had stood there staring at Tommy greeting him in and trying to be friendly. Tommy on the other hand was not taking any of it. Dream tried to remind Tommy about the "good" times during exile and he still wasn't convinced. I felt bad for Tommy's character. Even though I didn't like the streamer behind him the character itself was interesting. So I grabbed for a hand of popcorn interested in the story. Liz on the other hand was basically insulting Dreams character and standing up for Tommy even though he couldn't hear. Then the line came through the Tv that sent Liz into a frenzy.

"When I'm around you my brain feels like I'm fucking conditioned to be your friend, but also when I have a knife I want to plung it into your heart. You don't make me a good person." Tommy said.

Liz stood up jumping around the roon air punching. All I could do was laugh out loud at her as she was really into the story. I continued to watch some and she just kept screaming.


I rolled my eyes laughing at her. Then it gets intense. She returned to the couch as they start to discuss what Dream has done bad on the server and explain what Tommy was going through mentally. It got really intense as Tommy was trying to say his final goodbyes. Then all of a sudden TNT started going off in the background. Both of them stopped talking and Tommy began to panic asking what was happening. Liz was doing the same as I looked over to her and she seemed like she was going to cry at any moment.

"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! SAM GET HIM OUTTT!!!" Liz said running up to the TV screen.

I had to walk up to her moving her back down to the couch because she blocked the TV. Tommy kept screaming for Sam as TNT kept going on. The plot only thickened from there. Tommy couldn't get out. Dream had informed him about the waiver he signed and all I did was laugh a little bit. Liz turned to me in shock with tears on her face. Maybe she got a little too into the plot...

"Y/n what the fuck are you laughing at?! Tommy is stuck in there with DREAM a man that literally tortured him??! How is this funny." She seemed serious saying this.

I looked away avoiding eye contact and said "I mean... he kinda asked for it did he not... he signed the waiver..."

She went ballistic. Even as the stream kept going on she jumped on top of me and started play smacking me. She started to laugh as I did. It ended about a few seconds later and she calmed down sitting back on the couch to watch the rest of the stream. Sam had informed the both that the security issue would persist and Tommy was stuck in the prison. Then the screen went dark. Liz was furious and looked over to me.


All I could do was giggle at her which only made her more upset. As she started to calm down she got a text on her phone. She rolled her eyes and looked to me.

"What is it Liz." I said confused.

"My mom wants me home..." she said disappointed.

I glanced at the time and it had hit 5:00pm. Her mom had only allowed her to hangout for a couple of hours and come home before dinner. I sighed and turned off my Tv. We both got up off the couch and I walked up to Liz hugging her.

"Thanks for coming over Liz! I had fun watching that stream!" I said a little sad she was leaving.

"No problem Y/n even though you had to deal with ur, basically, archenemy Tommy I also had fun!" She said hugging me a little tighter.

Finally Liz grabbed her shoes, put them on and walked out of the door. I stood there now wondering what I could do the rest of the day. I first started with cleaning up the snacks we got out when Liz came over. The reason I had Liz come over was because my family was out on a business trip. They traveled often because they worked at a marketing company. So the only way for me to not get bored was to bother Liz everyday seeing if she wanted to hangout.

After finishing up my cleaning I went up to my room logging onto my computer and scrolling on Twitter. I decided that I could make a tweet on today's lore stream. Of course it was an unpopular opinion, but did it really matter? If I got hate for it I wouldn't care.

Y/n @ u/n
The Dreamsmp lore today was interesting. Was I the only one who thought c!Tommy kinda asked for it? Also another unpopular opinion because I know I'll get hate, but does anyone else feel uncomfortable when Tommy does lore with his camera on?

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I just closed out of Twitter at that point letting the hate roll in. I got it enough already at school so what was the difference from it coming from Twitter. Instead I opened up Minecraft on my computer. I was inspired by the smp today so I logged into hypixel and played some bed wars. I didn't expect to play for another 3 hours until I looked over to the clock and seen it now said 8:00pm. I sluggishly logged off of my computer, went into my bathroom and did my nightly routine. Once I returned I grabbed my phone off of my night stand and scrolled through the comments on my tweet until I fell asleep phone still in my hand.

I (Dont) Hate You (TommyInnitxreader)Where stories live. Discover now