Awkward Encounter

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Last night there wasn't really a set sleeping arrangement so Tom ended up sleeping on the floor in my room. I had no idea where Liz or Ranboo were. So when I woke up this morning and made my way downstairs to find them trying not to step on Tom. When I made my way to the living room I seen Ranboo and Liz. They looked so adorable cuddled up on the couch together. I knew they must have made it official last night, because I knew Ranboo wouldn't be cuddling my best friend in my house if they didn't.

After taking a sneaky little photo I walked into the kitchen. I wasn't feeling really hungry so I opted for a glass of water and walked back up to my room. When I got up there Tom was sitting at my pc scrolling through Twitter. I walked up behind him put my cup on the desk and then hugged him and putting my chin on his head.

"What cha doing there Tom." I said hoping he wasn't tweeting anything stupid on my Twitter.

"Oh nothing. I'm just seeing what's going on in the Twitter world today..." He said almost hesitating.

"Mhmmm so Tom you wanna click on my personal feed for me?" I said trying to get him to fess up.

"Ummmm..." he said clicking to the feed but covering up my latest post.

I laugh a little at him and moved my hand over his shoulder trying to move his hands away from the screen.

"Toooommmyyy show meeeee." I said into his ear as I was moving his hands.

Tommy blushed a little and moved his hands away. I looked at the tweet and laughed. All it said was "TommyInnit is the greatest man alive". When I tried looking at his face he looked all embarrassed. I eased up off of his shoulders and backed up laying on the bed. Tom turned to me and looked confused.

"You're not going to make me delete it?" He said with scrunched eyebrows.

"Nope. Why would I? In my opinion it's kind of true." I said staring at the ceiling.

Tom apparently got up now leaning over me and said "WAIT REALLY?!"

I laughed a bit and nodded my head. Tom then jumped on me basically breaking every rib in the process. And then he brought me into a hug and rolled around with me in his grasp.

"What the fuck are you doing!!!" I said scream laughing at this point.

"Y/N OH MY GOSH I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD HEAR THOSE WORDS!!!" He said with a big grin on his face.

"I can take it back you know. I can take that tweet down." I said flatly.

He stopped rolling and separated from me sitting up on the bed.

"WAIT NOOOOO!!!" Tom said scared.

"Oh shut up you know I won't." I said rolling my eyes.

"I know I was just teasing" he said with a smug face again.


After that we both decided it was a good idea to finally get up. We made our way down stairs and I tried to make Tom walk down as quiet as possible so that he could see the spectacle I seen when I walked down stairs earlier. To my dismay both Liz and Ranboo were awake and Liz was in the kitchen making some sort of breakfast. I huffed in annoyance and continued down the stairs.

"I guess I don't get to show Tom what I seen earlier this morning sadge..." I said in a disappointed voice.

Both Ranboo and Liz looked over to me in terror. I only sent back an evil grin.

"OH WAIT I CAN! WITH MY HANDY DANDY COMMUNICATION DEVICE!" I said starting to pull out my phone.

I had never seen two people move so fast than to try and intercept this photo. They both looked at me with the most scared faces. Once I had my phone out I quickly went into my photos and even more quickly shoved the phone over to Tom. He looked confused when he took the phone, but then seen the picture. His face changed to the same evil face mine was in and both Ranboo and Liz sighed in defeat.

I (Dont) Hate You (TommyInnitxreader)Where stories live. Discover now