Chapter 3: missing memories

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Chapter 3: missing memories

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As julius sleep, he hears his wife and daughter trying to wake him, and suddenly his smiling face disappears. Appearing pale and worn, julius opens his eyes to men in prison grab, who are looking down at him anxiously. They call him Inmate 3866, and julius jumps, disoriented.

Julius dosen't recognize the men, prompting one of the men to comment that julius has gone mad again. He orders a younger prisoner, jhonathan lee, to keep a lookout at the door. Julius is told that he is in prison, where his explanation that he is a homicide prosecutor seems to have been one they all know well.

The prisoner reminds julius that they showered together that day before, which causes julius to lunge at him. The other inmates break them apart as julius calls out the names of his wife and daughter. They call him crazy as he demands to know where they are. A smiling inmate tells him that he killed them, and jabs julius on red inmante patch on his clothing for emphasis.

That earns him a slap on the head as he is reminded not to joke about the red tag, which indicates a death penalty. As julius tries to take in his clothing and the red inmate numbers, the smiling inmate notes that after julius ate his dinner, he woke up mad again.

Julius swears that he was sleeping in his house, only to be told that he has been in prison for three months. The smiling inmate shoves an unbrakable mirror in front of him so that julius can see for himself that he is a prisoner. His eyes widen at his reflection as the other prisoners comment on how believable he can be.

Jonahan announces, "He's coming," and the men help julius as they all sit down a guard knocks on the door and julius leaps up, asking to make a call. Jonathan appears at julius side, explaining that he had another nightmare as he promises the guard that he'll take care of him. He wrestles julius back to the floor while the guard informs the men that the warden will conduct roll call, warning them to behave.

During roll call, julius fails to call out, prompting the warden to enter the cell. The warden asks julius if he's lost his memory again. When he insists that he has to go home, julius is told that the prison is his home now, julius asks again to make a call, so the warden hands him his phone. Julius dials a number that no longer exists. The warden nods knowingly as julius dials again. He urge julius to accept reality as he retieves his phone.

Julius tackles the warden, muttering that nothing makes sense. The guards wrestle julius away, throwing him into a single cell. He remembers that the previous day was hanna's birthday, calling it nonesense that he killed her and lisa.

As the shadows lengthen, julius notice that the cut on his foot has healed. He begins to cry in grief as the reality that his wife and daughter are dead sinks in, his tormented screams echoing throughout the prison. Julius narrates that even though he believed that hanna's birthday was the previous day, in reality, it was four months earlier. He became a death row inmate for killing her and lisa, even though he had no memory of anything at all.

Hehe.😅 2 updates in one day. Sorry im just borde so i decide to write what is the next chapter is. So how is it? Is it good? Please bear with my wrong grammar if there is a wrong grammar. So see you again in my next update. "Bye."👋

Updated: october 22, 2021

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