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Haha damn it literally took me all day here I am sitting at 11:00 nighttime just remembering the dream I had two nights ago, yay me. Anyway:

Ok so I was kinda walking around some playground that I've seen before in another dream, three rockets all connected and all made of colourful playground material? Idk but apparently it was a homestuck trolls hive, I think gamzees? Idk can't remember much.

Anyway have some things 2 say?

1: should I post all dreams or just the good ones? I have vague recollections of some dreams and the best ones tend to be most memorable. should I put the good ones in one chapter and the not so memorable ones a few sharing a chapter? Ideas below please haha!

2: if you want to draw a cover page for this book the contest still has plenty of time over at my drawcast! Haha self advertising aren't I wonderful.

Anyway that's it, cya!

I'm way too lazy/tires to put my fancy-ass outro here, BIA!

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