Tuesday 6th jan

76 4 1

This time, I wasn't myself. Instead, I was just looking in on a warrior cats school excursion, and the clans weren't at war, they were friends.

The camp looked like a school camps cabin arrangement, long halls with many rooms, grey walls, and very dark blue carpet.

I can't remember much of what went on, except for some reason leopardstar had 1 son named spottedtail, and he had the same pelt as leapardstar.

Now for some odd reason spottedtail had to change cabins to one including a younger feathertail and three other cats, all from thunderclan.


I don't know. I just don't even-
Uuh I don't really have much to say today. But in the dream all the cats were younger than in the book, they all looked about 9, except the leaders who looked 20, except for tallstar, that looked about 29.

Anyway guys,

Love Enders,
Love video games,
Love the digital realm,

Stay classy~


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