Chapter 1-A new friend

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Tommy POV:

I was talking to Shelby and Jack until Tubbo said "Hey Guys!" I turn around to say hi to Tubbo until I saw a tall figure behind him "Who's that?" I hear Shelby say "This is my new friend! Uhhhhhhh-" "Ranboo" the tall guy says "Cool, I'm Shelby" Shelby puts out her hand and Ranboo shakes it "I'm Jack" Jack waves "And I'm Tom or Tommy" I look at Ranboo's face not able to see it before and damn was he handsome I stare at him for 1 mintue until the bell rings

~Time skip brought to you by Gay Gogy~

I'm sitting in class and Ranboo is beside me cause no one sits beside me and Ranboo is in all my classes for a weird reason, I got bored and decided just to look at my phone for the rest of the day

~Time skip to after class~

Ranboo POV:

I was walking until someone ran towards me and knocked me over, I open my eyes to realize it was Tommy, I blush a bit and I help him up he apologizes and I said it was fine, as we went outside to go home not realizing we were holding hands, Tubbo yelled "Hurry up love birds!" I heard Tommy say "Shut up Tubhoe!" Tubbo gasped "HoW dArEeeEeE yOu!" Tubbo was on the floor curled up into a ball fake crying while me and Tommy were still holding hands sitting on  a bench laughing

First chapter done after a week! I'm done with this one so I need suggestions for the next one :]

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