The Flower that saved my life 🥀-Pt. 3- The kiss that broke my heart

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Final part!

~Vin POV~

Ranboo and Arim came back with the eggs and Mushroom told us to sit in a circle and we did, and now it's time to start the game!

~Not even 5 minutes later~

~Arim POV~(Omg! Another POV! 🤯😧)

So the kitchen is on fire...Mushroom, Tubbo, and Vin started the fire and is making more, Noemi  are telling the others to get water, Ranboo is listening to Noemi and is getting 2 cups of water from the bathroom trying to stop the fire, Nightmare is looking for the fire extinguisher.

Dream, George, Sapnap, and Quackity left us with Patches, (Dead) Luca, Storm, Lily, Mogwai, and Tiger for the day before we started the game, Luca was floating around (Cause he's dead, RIP Luca, we love you), Storm and Tiger were running in a circle in a fire as if they loved it, Lily and Mogwai helping stop the fire the best they could, and me and patches are just in the living room sitting on the floor, a coke in one hand and the other petting Patches, as we watched a chaos in front of us.

We can't even play a simple game for 3 minutes.

~15 minutes later~

Everything was finally under control and we started playing the game again, until it got a it more interesting...

~10 minutes later~

~Tommy POV~

We kept playing the game, I had Storm on my head, Ranboo had Lily in his lap, Tubbo had Mogwai also in his lap, Nightmare had Patches on the floor while they were laying on the floor, Arim had Luca, and Vin had Milk, or Mushroom but they were a cat.

It was all good. Until it was Vin's turn...

V:"Tubbo! Truth, Dare, Or Egg?"


V:"I dare you to kiss the person the you like!"

~Tubbo's Pla- I MEAN POV!~ (Only for a bit thought)

"I dare you to kiss the person the you like!" Vin said, I loved nukes so I was gonna kiss a nuke but then I had a idea!

I knew Tommy liked Ranboo and Ranboo told me he liked Tommy but neither of them knew one liked the other, so I decided to kiss Ranboo so Tommy would be sad then Ranboo would go check on Tommy and they tell each other their feelings for each other and then they start dating so I can embarrass them!

Perfect plan!

~Tommy's POV~

"Ok!" I heard Tubbo say as he got up, he walked towards, Ranboo...he got down and kissed Ranboo! My. Heart. Shattered. Tubbo sat back down in his spot and I felt like crying, I got up and told the others I was tired, walked to my bedroom and started coughing and I coughed up blood and alluim petals and knew something bad was gonna happen.

~Ranboo's POV~

After the game I was gonna get Tubbo alone to tell him I don't like him and he knows that but he told me to check on Tommy and he said he knows that I like Tommy and that he doesn't like me, weird, I went to check on Tommy, I walked to Mine and Tommy's room, I stood at the door and knocked 3 times *Knock* *Knock* Knock* nothing "Hey Toms?" Nothing "You ok?" Nothing "Toms?" Nothing "Tommy?" Nothing, I opened my mouth but closed it when I heard coughing, I walked into the room and say Tommy with a pile of alluim petals covered in blood and he was crying with tear stains on his cheeks, I walked up to Tommy and got down and gave him a hug, I pulled away from the hug and kissed Tommy on the lips, Tommy kissed back, we stayed like that for 2-3 mins then let go, "Here" I said as I gave Tommy a Alluim that was half black and half red and lavender like a Alluim in the middle, "T-Thank you, R-Ranboo" I heard Tommy say weakly I put Tommy on the bed and cleaned up the blood and petals and then got in the bed with Tommy, "I love you, Boo" I heard Tommy say as he snuggled into my chest, "I love you too, Toms" I said before letting sleep take me over.


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