~In The Stars~

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Inspo off a gacha vid I once saw, so enjoy ig

~Tommy's POV~

"It's only for a week Ran" I said cupping my boyfriend's face in my hands "I know, I'm just gonna miss you a lot.." Ranboo said with a frown on his face "Promise to call me when you land?" Ranboo said looking me dead in the eye, I nodded saying "I promise Ran" I kissed him and he kissed back, as we pulled away I heard my flight being called, I picked up my bags saying by to Shroud and Tubbo.

I walked to the gate waving bye to them seeing Ranboo trying not to cry, I stopped for a moment and thought about something.

~Ranboo's POV~

I saw Tommy pause and then whisper something to the lady at the gate then pointing to me, she smiled and nodded.

I saw Tommy put down his bags and turn around running towards me and hug me, I hugged him and let go taking off my hoodie, I gave it to him saying "So you have me with you" He took it and put it on "Bye Ranboo" I hugged him one last time and watched him get on the plane and watched the plane take off and I waved saying "Bye Tommy" despite the fact he couldn't hear or see me


I was cooking food for Shroud and Tubbo, and more for a sleepy Micheal who had woke up from his nap, all of a sudden I hear Tubbo say to me "R-Ranboo....You need to see this" I walked into the living room where Micheal and Shroud were playing and Tubbo was looking dead at the screen which played the news, "What is it T-" my words were cut off by the news

[A plane today that was going from ##### to ##### has crashed today, all the people survived except one person]

[A 18 year old boy, famous streamer and youtuber Tommyinnit was killed in the plane crash]

[Our hearts go out to this boy's fans, family and friends]

I look at the screen on the verge of tears as they show a picture of Tommy in black and white on the screen, "Look! Mama is on the screen!" Shroud said pointing to the screen, I burst into tears collapsing onto the floor

Tubbo rushed to me hugging me trying to calm me down, I pulled out the ring in my pocket whispering to Tubbo "I didn't even get to propose..." Tubbo shushed me and rubbed my back "I know, I know....I know, I know"

~Even Later~

I was laying in Tommy's bed crying in pain that he was gone, I saw his drawer was left open and I saw a piece of paper with music lyrics on it, I thought he wanted to make a song and put it on stream... I thought for a minute and took the piece of paper to the streaming

~A Year Later~

I peaked from behind the curtain to see a crowd of people which made me nervous, Tubbo came up behind me saying "Don't worry big man, you'll do great" putting a hand on my shoulder "Yeah you got this king!" Aimsey said shaking me a bit "I'm just nervous" I said with a weak smile "Tommy would've wanted you to do this mate" Phil said patting my shoulder "Your carrying his legacy on with this song, as long as people hear this they'll never forget who Tommyinnit is" Fundy said with a bright smile

I nodded and said "Yeah, I'm gonna do this, for Tommy" Bill handed me a shot glass with cola inside

"A toast, to Ranboo who is gonna do great and kill this performance" he said raising his own shot glass full of water and not cola

"A toast to everyone here who made this possible" Eret said raising his shot glass

"And a toast to the man who made this song, who helped us through things, the heart of the dream smp, who's birthday we're performing on, and who can't be here with us tonight" Dream said looking at everyone

"To Tommy!" he said raising his own shot glass

"To Tommy" Wilbur said raising his shot glass

"To Tommy!" Everyone said

We all downed our shot glasses with cola inside, Bill downed his shot glass with water inside, we  had only cola and water at the food table since it was Tommy's favorite drink

I walked out to the stage as everyone cheered and yelled, I looked around and said into the mic "Hello everyone, thank you for coming tonight to see this performance" I whispered into the mic "There's a lot of you" which made everyone laugh "Anyway, this song was made by the Tommyinnit, a man who we lost a year ago, today is his birthday and the day i'm playing a song he made called 'In The Stars', long live Streamer, Youtuber, Friend, Family, and My Lover, Tommyinnit"

I started playing as everyone cheered thinking Your Welcome Tommy

834 Words

I know it might be a bit cringe but I just really wanted to make this
Anyway, have a good day and goodbye :) 

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