The Flower that saved my life 🥀

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I thought of dis on my own! Yayyyy!

People in this Story:

Me, NightmareNoemilox, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Others

My AU:Me, Nightmare, and Noemilox legally become sisters

Tommy POV

Me, Tubbo, and Ranboo decided to live together, Tubbo said he had a friend who we could live with, I got all my stuff and waited for Tubbo to come pick me up.

~When Tubbo got there~

Tubbo pulled up and rolled down the window and yelled at me saying "Get in loser! We're going to pick up Ranboo!" I rolled my eyes and put my stuff in the back and got in the passenger seat and we headed off to pick up Ranboo from the airport.

~When they got to the airport~

Me and Tubbo were walking around holding hands cause their were crowds of fans and Paparazzi around us, me and Tubbo stopped walking cause we got blocked, I felt something pick me and Tubbo up and run out of the airport, when we got out we realized that the man was Ranboo, he put us down, "Don't do that again! We thought a crazy fan took us!" Tubbo said while kicking Ranboo in the knee "Ow! I'm sorry!" "Can we go?" I said pointing to the fans and the Paparazzi searching for me and Tubbo, we ran to the car and Ranboo surprisingly had his luggage still with him! Ranboo and Tubbo were arguing, Ranboo telling him to hurry up and Tubbo saying he knows he needs to hurry up

Ranboo:We gotta go! We gotta go! We gotta go! We gotta go!

Tubbo:I know!

Ranboo:We gotta go!

Tubbo:I know!

Ranboo:We gotta go!

Tubbo:I know!

Ranboo:We gotta go

Tubbo:I know!

Ranboo:We gotta go!

Tubbo:I know!

Tubbo got the the car started

Tommy:LET'S GO!!!

~When they got to my house~

Ranboo POV

"Ok, we're here" Tubbo said after he stopped the car, I looked outside and was amazed, it was a house with 3 floors, when me and Tommy got our stuff we heard someone come outside the house

Mushroom/My POV

I was in my room when I heard "They're here!" from my legal sister Nightmare, I ran down 2 stairs and ran to the front door, when I got outside I saw my friend Tubbo, who I call Bee as a nickname, "Beeeeeeeeeee!!!" I said running to Tubbo, Tubbo put his hands out yelling "Flowerrrrrrrrrr!!!" he called me Flower as a nickname cause we go together like a Bee and a Flower, I gave Tubbo a big hug, "I haven't seen you in forever!" "I know! Anyway, these are my friends! Tommy and his boyfriend Ranboo!" Tubbo said as I looked behind him and saw 2 men blushing "He's not my boyfriend!" "Whatever you say Toms!" Tubbo said looking back at me "Anyway, let's go inside! Shall we?" I said letting them inside.

~After they met and seen all the rooms~

Tubbo was playing with Nightmare on minecraft, Ranboo was in his new room getting everything ready, him and Tommy had a room and my and Tubbo's room was beside them so we could hear them, Tommy and Tubbo already finished unpacking, Tommy was scrolling through twitter on the couch and Noemi was looking through wattpad and me? I was bored. Then, I had a idea.

~548 Words~

Cliffhangerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Bai

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