5.Assembly time... Skipped!

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Hellooooooo people! I just updated yesterday and I usually update once a week, when I have completed the chapter after the one I'm publishing to make sure you guys don't get a huge delay in updates if something comes up. However. I. Just. Got. 1K. Reads!

I am extremely happy. I never thought I would get this far, with 1K reads and nearly 50 votes. Thank you! A huge thank you to everyone! I will list some people who have supported this story so far here: @ganrano @Ennaira99 @OtakuKurai @ImelRenata @FairyTailShipsAlways whiteraven95 SilverWolf130 and MyDeathLolipop. I'm sorry I can't list everyone here, but I know who you are! You're probably tired of me now, so let's get on with the story!

Btw, along with this chap comes a new cover! All credit goes to MyDeathLolipopand her amazing skills!


It was assembly, and we all had to go down to the hall. I've been to one assembly before I dropped to class E, and throughout the whole time, everyone was laughing at them, now us.

"Leiko-san, aren't you coming with us?" Kayano-san asked.

"Nah." I smiled. "Not in the mood."

I walked back to the classroom to see Korosensei slip out the door and go after the rest of us, even though he was instructed by Karasuma-sensei to stay here and guard. Geez, what's with this national secret that likes to run around the place?

I pushed the classroom door open and walked in, only to find that damned Akabane in his seat, ditching like me. "Ugh...why do you have to be here?" I muttered, pointing at that guy sitting there and looking innocent.

"Me? What's wrong with me?" He smirked. "Oh, are you pissed because I won that race?" He shrugged. "Can't help it, it really just means I'm better than you."

"You..." I gritted my teeth. "That was a fluke!" I yelled, "You'll never beat me!"

"Oh, really?" He grinned, "Then you wanna have another match, Leiko-chan?"

"Yes!" I said impatiently, my pride is hurt! "I want a rematch!" I stalked out of the classroom, Akabane following me out and into the forest, stopping in front of the tree we climbed the day before yesterday. "Three...two...one... START!" I yelled, leaping up and latching on to one of the lower branches, using the momentum to swing myself up as Akabane pushed off from the ground and made a grab at the branch below me. I got into a crouching position and stood, steadying myself. He looked up at me and smirked.

"Leiko-chan! It won't do for you be that slow!" With that, his hand shot up and latched onto the branch I stood on. I grabbed a branch stump with one hand and put both my feet on to the trunk, grabbing the next branch with my free arm I leapt up, then swung both my legs on the next one and pulled myself up, throwing Akabane behind me.

"Ha!" I called, smug. "I'm way ahead now aren't I, slow coach?"

"It's not that easy!" He shouted, pushed off the trunk with one leg and skipped two branches, landing on the branch only one below me. "So sure you're gonna win now, Leiko-chan?" He smirked, wiping away a drop of sweat.

"Hmph. Don't call me Leiko-chan you idiot!" I resumed climbing, faster than ever with him right behind me. In less than five minutes, we were already half way up the tree. And this tree is so freaking tall! I looked up at the other half of the tree we have yet to climb and wiped the sweat that was beginning to form on my forehead. Once again, I leapt up and grabbed the branch above, but my hand, slick with sweat, slipped slightly and I fell back into the branch I had stood on, losing my balance. "Damn!" I shouted as I began to fall back, this time, unintentionally.

I desperately tried to latch onto a branch, anything. I tried to turn onto my shoulders to observe most of the fall damage so the most I can do is break my arm and not my spine as the ground and the tangle tree roots neared, I tried to turn, but a branch hit my shoulder and I cringed in pain, the impact knocking me back as I continued to fall. Damn! I readied myself for the jarring pain, seeing a shadow dropping past me just before I closed my eyes.

"Argh!" I grunted as my fall ended, but instead of the forest floor and tree roots which would have broken a few of my bones, I landed on a very soft surface... Akabane Karma?!

"Geez, be more careful... Leiko-san..." he uttered, and closed his eyes.

"Akabane!" I froze as I realised what just happened. What did he do?! What did that guy just do? "Akabane Karma! Hey Karma! Wake up!" I panicked, he just jumped under me and absorbed all that impact from the fall from 20 metres along with my own weight! What is he thinking?! I don't need him to save me! "God, don't joke with me!" I yelled, grabbing him by the shoulders "Karma! Wake up!" I froze as he groaned in pain. His shoulder! God, he's shoulders probably broken or dislocated! Shit! Karma! Why?!

"Idiot..." I froze as he opened his eyes, and slowly sat up. "I'm not dead. No need to cry."

"I didn't cry! Baka!" My voice shook as I touched my face, it was wet. Damn!

"Really now?" He smirked. He still has the energy to smirk and tease me. This guy...

"That's just sweat." I muttered, defiant. "Anyways, I'll have to take you back to the classroom and get Korosensei." I got up and tried to help him get up, but he swatted my hand away.

"It's my shoulder that's hurt, not my legs." he stood up and grinned raising his arms to show that he's alright, but cringed as his left shoulder's dislocation worsened. "Oww..."

"Akabane you idiot! Lets go back to the classroom! We need to get you shoulder treated as soon as possible and there could- what are you doing?"

He stepped closer to me, as I backed up into a tree. "So Leiko-san," he murmured. "were you so worried about me that you actually cried?"

"No-no way!" I protested, geez, this guy! "That was really sweat!"

"Really?" He leant his head against my shoulder, "You know you want to admit it. Go on, confess."

"Akabane! I did not-" I growled, raising my leg to kick him, then lowered it in exasperation, remembering that he is injured.

"Karma is fine. I'm getting tired of hearing my last name all the time."

"What? Fine, Karma-kun, just get up and go back to the classroom!" I tried to push him off me, but stopped as my hand came in contact to his left arm as he stiffened. "Your arm..." I whispered. "Karma, get off!"

"No." he leant in even more, he is so heavy! "I'm too tired to move."

What's with this guy?! I tried to push him again, then stopped as he cringed slightly, possibly the result of me worsening an injury. Come on! Aside form the fact we just fell of a tree, this guy is so heavy! I looked up at his face, ready to restrain myself from punching it when I realized that he is nearly asleep, that climb and the injuries probably drained his energy. When he's like this, he seems like a different person. Peaceful and innocent. I smiled and patted his head, his hair soft beneath my fingers.

Sorry guys. Knew that was a short chapter but had to end it here. 1. I have exams coming up 2. I have no idea how to continue this chapter without it becoming suuuper boringgggg. Btw a warning to u readers, next update will be comin' in late. So vote if you liked it and comment on any mistakes if I made some.

Also, try to be patient enough to wait for the next chapter without kicking me. Thnx people.

Just listing some other people who has supported this story here, sorry guys for being late! And an apology to you if I couldn't tag you, I still haven't figured out the reason yet...
@iamboredgoaway @Rika_Mayaki Trufflerabbit13 AlyssaTran


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