14. A second transfer arrives! Itona and Shiro!

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A/N: I'm going to use Korosensei's weaknesses as time skips or just intervals from now on, but there won't really be a specific order to them and they may repeat after I've used most of them. FINALLY I got my act together and updated! Celebration! This chap is very badly done, but there's more since one or two chaps after this was pre written. It'll be updated later.

A little while later, 15th of June. Apparently another transfer student is coming. According to Ritsu, he was originally supposed to come together with her, but the government ended up ditching that plan. One reason was that the new transfer student wasn't ready, but the other reason, a very frightful one, is that the transfer student is way stronger than Ritsu herself.

Upon knowing that, the entire atmosphere of the class changed to an tense one.

I sat in my seat at the back of the class as usual, still trying my hardest to ignore Karma's attempt to make me mad.

I sighed whilst staring out the window, watching raindrops splash against the glass. The door suddenly slide open with a creak, causing everyone to turn, startled.

A man clad in white walked into the room. Heck, I can barely even see his eyes! Cautiously, my eyes follow the man's movements like the entire class as he pulls a bird out of his sleeve without warning, startling nearly everyone.

Korosensei, on the other hand...

Has liquified himself and flew to the ceiling as far away from the man as possible.

"......" I stare at the blob of Korosensei wordlessly before turning back to the newcomer.

"Sorry, I must have frightened you." He..smiled? Can't really tell, but the atmosphere changed into a slightly more cheerful one. "I, however, am not the transfer student. I am his guardian. Well... I'm dressed entirely in white, so just call me 'Shiro'."

"Obviously for a random guy in white to walk in and do a slight of hand, it's quite startling..." The class muttered. "Everyone but Korosensei would be..." I cocked an eyebrow.

"Wait, why the hell are you so scared, Korosensei?!" The class yelled as they noticed our liquified sensei in the corner.

"Well, what Ritsu-San said was quite frightening so..." Korosensei sweated.

Korosensei's Weakness #15: He gets taken easily by rumours.

Korosensei greeted Shiro after re-solidifying himself, and Shiro called out to the transfer student, apparently intending to introduce him.

"Heeey! Itona! Come on in!" Abnormally cheerful, I decide.

Soaring a glance at the door, I resume staring out the window.... Then


The back wall crashed into pieces. Slowly, I turn my head around.

The wall now have a boy sized hole in it.
The chair between Ritsu and I now have a boy in it.


The entire class gaped at the transfer student, Itona. My mouth twitched in surprise and irritation as I gaped as well. What in the...

"I have proven myself to be stronger than the classroom walls..." The white haired boy muttered. "That alone is enough... That alone is enough..."

I glanced at him in a mixture of curiosity and incredulity when a voice rang out from behind me. Karma. I bite my lip. Why am I so aware that it's his voice? Maybe it's so annoying that my brain automatically detects it so I can avoid him. Hmph...

"Hey Itona-kun. It's been kinda bugging me..." Karma started, "but you weren't carrying anything when you came in just now, right?" He tilted his head towards the hole in the wall that's allowing some pouring rain to gush in. "So why aren't you the slightest bit wet when it's pouring outside?"

I perk up at the comment, my full attention returning back to Itona. I've been so entangled in this 'no-reaction' business that my mind didn't even notice such an obvious detail.

A little silence follow Karma's question, as Itona glanced around the room. Then he stood up and walked in front of my desk, stopping in front of Karma. "You... Are probably the strongest one in this class." Itona reach out with one hand, the other supporting himself on Karna's desk. "But don't worry." The white haired boy ruffled Karma's hair. "You are weaker than me. So I won't kill you.

"I think I only want to kill, those who might be stronger than me." Itona got up and walked through the desks, approaching Korosensei. "In this classroom, that means only you, Korosensei." He finished stopping in front of our octopus teacher.

"Does that talk of 'strong' and 'weak' refer to fighting, Itona-kun? In a contest of strength, you wouldn't even be able to stand in the same dimension as me though." As usual, Korosensei's air of high and mighty in this topic floated up.

"I can." Is Itona's reply. The entire class froze at the statement. "Because we are brothers related by blood."

Korosensei's Weakness #10: He's worried about about appearances.

It was decided that Itona and Korosensei will fight. Not just an ordinary assassination, but a fight to the death.

After Itona has claimed to be brothers with Korosensei, we did notice similarities between the two. They both love to eat loads of sweets, and apparently also have the same interest in dirty magazines. It's even more confusing.

But one thing's for sure. This assassination the transfer student and his guardian set up is sketchy.

After the bell rang, we started preparing for the upcoming match. By setting a circle of desk to form a fighting ring, whoever steps out loses. However, the safety of the audience has to be guaranteed as well.

My heart started to thump as soon as both of them entered the ring, and my mind sought answers as to where Itona's confidence come from. Even though I can barely keep still, I forced myself to slouch in my standing position, and stuck my hands in my pockets uncaringly.

"Posing, are we?" The red head muttered, moving to stand next to me.

An irk mark appeared on my forehead, but I forced it to be expressed with no more than a raised eyebrow. Without saying anything in reply, I focused all my senses onto the match.

As soon as the match began, I was shell shocked.

One of Korosensei's tentacles detached from his body, and went splat as it hit the ground.

I lift my sight up from the twitching tentacle on the ground, only to see multiple white tentacles sprouted from Itona's hair.

Then Korosensei turned pitch black.

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