Thoughts [$]

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Smut warning towards the end of the chapter [$]


My time at the gym caused me to realize that I had a lot of sexual tension with the man I've only met twice. 

He was well groomed, attractive, had a sultry voice, and a fine body. He could be any woman's type, so is it so wrong of me to want him sexually too? 

When I got home, I showered and got dressed again.

It was currently 9:45 PM, I promised my little sister that I would come over tonight since no one would be home for the next few days other than her and foster. 

Yes, that was my little sister who was on the phone with me at the gym. 

Yes, I talk to her on the phone as if she's my lover. 

The only people I do that with are her, and the people I'm close with.

As I entered my White hellcat with red interior~ god I love this car ~ I sped out of the car garage and to my mothers home. As I arrived, I was met with the maids and butlers at the entrance. 

"Good evening Ms. Le Blanc" They all said in unison. 

"If the house is clean and there isn't much to do, you may leave for the night and have tomorrow off." Once I said that, I saw everyones eyes light up.

"Yes ma'am!"

"Don't call me ma'am! You make me feel old!" I sobbed internally as I entered the house.

"Yes boss, we apologize."

"Cassandra, where is Dream?" I asked the head maid.  "She's currently in the kitchen. She said she wanted to bake something for you as a surprise."

Cassandra was the head maid in the home, she was also a direct subordinate of mine, but only Foster and I knew of this fact.

I found Cassandra 8 years ago on the streets. She was selling her body to get by, but she was miserable in the process. So I gave her an ultimatum and she chose to be loyal to me and to work for me. 

"You let her do it knowing that she can't cook?" I sweat dropped. 

"My apologies, she insisted that I let her do it because she'd be following the recipe step by step instead of eyeing it." I nodded Cassandra off as I headed towards the kitchen.

Standing at the entryway I was immediately met with flour, eggs, and other ingredients everywhere, even on the ceiling. There was burnt plastic bowl too... Honestly I can't continue, just know that it's bad.

"Dream..." I called out.

"Hmm?" She replied without looking back. 

"Dream Angelo" I said sternly.

"What." She shouted and paled as she soon realized who's voice called her name. "Cough, cough, I mean yes...?" She nervously and slowly turned around.

"Dream, what did you do to make such a mess?"

"Its not that bad!" 

"No, it's bad baby." I walked towards her.


"Let me see what you're making, and we can figure out how to fix it."

"So you're not mad...?" She asked tear eyed.

"No I'm not mad, why would I be mad?" I asked generally confused.

"Because last time I did this, mom yelled at me." 

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