Counter Act

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Waves crash into the ship as it roars through the ocean. It's the largest type of ship that exist, and surrounded by it are other ships with large cannons and huge AA guns. It was the U.S. Navy, and their cargo was more important than any tank. It was an army of angry marines with hatred in their souls. Men who would leave no man behind and somehow find away to never Jeopardize the mission. They were unstoppable men and woman who were ready to take care of some important business.

Cowboys P.O.V.

I see shells pounding the enemy defenses as our ship pushes forward. The landing crafts were on the beach in only minutes. There was little cover other than already disengaged vehicles. We had to wait until we had helicopters in the sky before we could move up. They wanted us on the shore first though so if the ship get blown we would be ok. This mission depended on us, and we as marines had to do this. Finally we had our helicopters they got us up in the air and moving out. I want often that there were oceans when attacking anyone in the Middle East, because they normally had bases inland or none at all. I look down and see a town below us. "We have arrived at our destination," the pilot confirmed, " you'll get out here." I clung to the rope and slid down to arrive on top of an old building. There were stairs on the side and we starts making our way down. We were behind enemy lines since our forces were still at the front of the town next to the ocean. We were suppose to go behind enemy lines and kill anyone who seemed to be escaping. We were at the back of the town waiting for any Generals or high ranks to stop them in their tracks.

Soon enough trucks on the move were spotted I pulled out a rocket and handed it to shaw. "Make it count," I whispered. A nod of his head made me sure he understood. Sgt. Ruiz and Lockwood were across the road from us on top of a building with another rocket to make sure the job is fully done. Smoke flashed out the barrel and for a split second I could see the rockets glimmer, but then all there I could here or see was explosion. The enemy vehicle was done for and the vehicle behind it didn't last much longer. Yet, there were more enemies in another vehicle behind the convoy. We tried to get a hit with the rocket but turret forced us back into cover. Finally I tossed a grenade around to the vehicle, and believe me in real life a grenade will blow up a vehicle COD has it wrong. I turn the corner to see only rubble on the ground. I turned to my hand hand held radio and reported our kills.

Enemy vehicles swarm the are not long after. We couldn't Rick being seen or it would be over for us. Finally allies were pushing through the area. We held up our flag to avoid friendly fire and slowly stood up. A humvy pulled over for us and we got going pursuing the enemies to end them once and for all.

Lockwoods P.O.V.

Dust covers the entire landscape, and you can barely see to drive. As we ride through the desert on the tails of our enemies we can only hope they run out of gas before us. In the distance we can make out a vehicle on the side of the rode it had crashed and was flipped over. That's why you don't drive in sand storms I thought. As we drive on there are signs of the enemy vehicles driving off the road in some areas. Finally enemy vehicles are spotted all abandoned.

We get out to investigate, and see nothing in the vehicles. Suddenly gun fire erupts from out of no where. We couldn't see anything but bullets kept flying in our direction. We quickly ran for cover. "Everyone get dowww!" Sgt. Ruiz began to say. I see blood flash out of his scull and, Sgt. Ruiz drop to the ground. "Nooo!!!" We scream at the top of our lungs. "Man down!" Shaw yells, "we need a medic.

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