𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝐺𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒 / DSMP & Krew 💔🔮

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Ship : DreamNotFound and a little Dreambur
The title says "Really George"
(School AU)

"Did you know it was 3 instead of 2!" Gold gossiped as Funneh listened

"Really?! What po- hey isn't that George?" Funneh pointed, "Yeah it is! Why is he kissing Brittany?" Gold added

(Brittany from YHS)

"Lets go ask h- oh...Dream looks really upset Gold!" Funneh and Gold looked over to the blond, his hands were shaking and he was crying

"GEORGE REALLY?! YOU ASSHOLE!!!" He yelled. "YOU SAID- YOU ARE A FUCKING BITCH!!" He stuttered a lot but managed to call George that.

"Oh- uh- uhm- Dream! I swear it was a dare- from uhm- SAPNAP! Yeah- SAPNAP!" George pointed to Sapnap

"HEY DON'T BLAME ME FOR YOUR MISTAKES!!" Sapnap yelled back, "If you wouldn't CHEAT George then maybe you wouldn't be in this MESS!" Quackity added on

"...Well if Dream would have showed me more attention then.." George muttered, "Repeat that. I don't think we all heard George" Wilbur said coming from behind George

Scaring the shit out of George, he (George) screamed. "I- I didn't...well it's Dreams fault!" George pointed to Dream

"MY FAULT?! REALLY GEORGE?! ITS MY FAULT?! ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU'RE AN F BOY!" Right after Dream said that a bunch of people started laughing and recording

"Wha- What did you just call me?!" George asked very mad. "An F BOY!" He explained to George like he was toddler

"Whatever...!" George then walked off crying a bit like it wasn't his fault.

Wilbur walked up to Dream, "Hey Dream...Sorry that happened. I'm always here for you if you need it" Wilbur hugged Dream

This action surprised Dream but he hugged Wilbur back. "Thanks Wilbur..."

(Sorry it's short but dnf angst!)

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