𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟶𝟹: Nᴇᴡ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ?

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Y/n can't Communicate: This chapter is might have some different world characters add in, Naruto, One piece, Jujustu, etc!!! This will have crossovers!

Y/n can't Communicate: This chapter is might have some different world characters add in, Naruto, One piece, Jujustu, etc!!! This will have crossovers!

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  The school bell ringed, Y/n packed as usual, but Chifuyu had some trouble with his gang, he left early. She was fine with it, Y/n also needed peace from others as well. Everyone awes and admired her beauty, she has her own fanclub.

  The most odd thing is to Y/n, why were so many people wearing these odd looking uniforms? Are they from a gang as well? White jackets with a headless angel on it. Y/n walked pass them, as she did the guy smoking smirked, he eyes the girl up and down.

  She sweated, the guy walked behind her, she tensed, holding tight on her bag. "What's your name?" He asked, Y/n turned around slowly, she stared at him, his eyes widened, Y/n gave him a intense glare. She raided off dark aura, he sweated.

  Y/n took few steps back, and sped out, his mouth dropped, 'How can she walk that fast?! I know it's a speed walk!!' He thought, the rest looked stunned, "The hell?" She stopped as her head looked back, 'He has a weird hair cut...' She kept walking back home.



  Birds chirped as Y/n sat alone on the table, she worked on homework alone. Wind blew, her hair waved to the right. She wrote her answers, she felt a tap on her shoulder, Y/n looked back, she saw a tall male with green hair, sword on his back, he has a scar on his right eye. "Um, do you know where I am, miss?" Y/n trembled a bit, she picked up her chalkboard and wore down, 'Tokyo, Japan.'



He nodded, "Ah! Thanks!" He walked away to find his crew mates. Y/n blinked, "Hmmm..." She went back to her homework. After a few minutes, she felt someone's presence, "Long time Y/n." She looked to the right, Yellow and purple stripes hair. He has a lazy look, "Mmm..." She hummed, Y/n blinked and nodded, lifting her hand. The male grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on the back.

  Y/n looked away, taking her chalkboard, she quickly wrote, 'How is your day going, Wakasa?' He smiled, lazily patted her head, "Good... After seeing your beautiful face, it got better..." Y/n hummed, she puts her stuff away and looked back at Wakasa, she gestured something. He nodded, "So, how's school?" He looked down at her. Y/n nodded, indicating it was good, Wakasa pulled her closer and kissed top of her head.

  "You know... You can speak to me, I've known you much well then others." He said softly, Y/n looked away, "Hm..." Wakasa chuckled, "You're so cute~" He pinched her cheeks, Y/n looked at him with a shakey stare.

  Y/n doesn't like getting teased, Wakasa  then pinched her nose. "I get it!" He just held her hand as they walked to the mall.

  Chifuyu sighed, he didn't get to hangout with Y/n due to gang matters

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  Chifuyu sighed, he didn't get to hangout with Y/n due to gang matters. It was about Moebius, Chifuyu sulked as he walked with Baji. "What's going on bud?" He patted Chifuyu back, "I haven't seen Y/n-Chan today..." Having a long pouting.

  Baji laughed, "It's just one day, you big baby!!! You can handle it!!" Chifuyu growled, "Shut up!! You're just dumb!!" Baji took offense to that, "Okay that's I call that offentic!!!" Chifuyu looked away with a just sighed, "Baji-Kun! It's 'Offensive' and "I take that as an offense!" Not that horrible Grammer..." Baji rolled his eyes, "Whatever..."


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  Wakasa dropped Y/n off, "Good night, Y/n-Chan!" Y/n waved, she walked in as Wakasa drive away. Y/n mother ran over with a smile, "Welcome Hun!!! Is that your boyfriend?" Y/n shook her head, "N-no...." Quietly...

  Her mind went to the green tall male, 'Who is he?'

  Somewhere at the sea...

  ZORO SNEEZED, Luffy came out, "You good?" Zoro nodded, "Yeah.. someone must be talking about me... Oh yeah, I met a girl, she was kinda cute!" Luffy nodded, "Ohh!!! Is she strong?" Zoro huffed, "I don't know!!"

  "You should've asked her!!"

  "Why don't you?!"

   "You're the one who got lost!!!"

  "Not my fault I get lost!!"


𝚈/𝚗 𝚌𝚊𝚗'𝚝 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦 ~ Tᴏᴋʏᴏ RᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇʀsWhere stories live. Discover now