𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟶𝟺: Aɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ?

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  Y/N LOOKED puzzled, she held a Lago piece up, then grabbed another one

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  Y/N LOOKED puzzled, she held a Lago piece up, then grabbed another one. She squinted her eyes to see better, "No... Why is this so hard?" She mumbled, placing the piece down. Y/n sighed, her Lago building was almost finished, just a few more pieces to go.

  Wanting to go outside, Y/n headed out after getting her shoes on. She stepped out, greeted by the sun, "Bright..." Y/n closed the door behind, a sunny day for a happy day, or so she thought.

  In Shibuya, Y/n looked around the mall, her eyes wondered at the clothes. She felt a tap on her shoulder, Y/n turned around, a kind looking kid with a white fluffy hair.

  "Excuse me! Mind telling us where we are? We're kinda lost!" He said, Y/n nodded, grabbing her chalkboard from her bag, Y/n wrote down, 'Shibuya Mall..' The boy grinned as the white fluffy hair male sighed, "Thanks, let's go Gon." He tugged on his arm, Gon didn't move, "Are you mute?" Y/n shook her head, her body trembled. The white fluffy boy pulled him, "Sorry... He's a bit nosey... Thanks." They walked off, "But, Killua!"

  Y/n looked away, she took a deep breath and went back to her shopping. Into the next store, Y/n picked a few clothes to her liking. She walked over to the counter and paid for them, Y/n felt someone staring at her, looking around, she couldn't find who is watching her.

  Y/n stared blankly at him, it was the same green male, "Haha! I got lost again! Well, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Zoro!" Y/n deadpanned, it was him

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  Y/n stared blankly at him, it was the same green male, "Haha! I got lost again! Well, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Zoro!" Y/n deadpanned, it was him.... How did he get so lost? 'Shibuya Mall....' Zoro laughed, "Thanks!! Man, I need to get back!" Y/n sighed, what's happening today?

  It just gets worst...

  "So, you're Y/n?" He asked, Y/n nodded, she looked away, he was a bit weird for her, "Well, I'm Denki Kiminari! Pleasure to meet you, Y/n!!" He huffed, Y/n admits he's cute, like a Pikachu

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  "So, you're Y/n?" He asked, Y/n nodded, she looked away, he was a bit weird for her, "Well, I'm Denki Kiminari! Pleasure to meet you, Y/n!!" He huffed, Y/n admits he's cute, like a Pikachu.

  Denki stared and grinned, "So, what you do in life?" Y/n picked her chalk up, 'School, study, sleep.... Hangout with friends...'

  "I see! Same! I don't study though! I'm pretty dumb if you ask me! But, hey! I made it into one of the best schools!" He laughed, Y/n hummed, she felt awkward for some reason.

  "I see! Same! I don't study though! I'm pretty dumb if you ask me! But, hey! I made it into one of the best schools!" He laughed, Y/n hummed, she felt awkward for some reason

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[So cute!!!]

  I didn't write much for this story, it's because I have no idea what to write as in Tokyo revengers. My mind is blank for this story.... Sorry, if I don't have any ideas, I just abandoned the story.

𝚈/𝚗 𝚌𝚊𝚗'𝚝 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦 ~ Tᴏᴋʏᴏ RᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇʀsWhere stories live. Discover now