Chapter 2 - Departed Duo

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Cole watched through the second-story window in despair as his friends exited the museum not even realizing that he wasn't with them. Their lanterns radiated orange light that dimly lit their features as Master Wu bid farewell to Doctor Saunders. They each climbed onto their respective vehicles, not even noticing that Cole's rover remained empty. Cole laid a ghostly hand against the window pane, vaguely surprised that he didn't pass right through it.

"They don't realize I'm gone," he said aloud, his voice ringing louder in the empty hall. "Maybe . . . I'm departed."

The thought was chilling enough to make even a ghost shiver. Cole didn't like to believe it, but it was becoming more and more apparent that he didn't belong to this world any longer. Between the disappearing and the loss of control over his powers, he was very nearly removed from the living realm altogether.

Cole slammed his fist against the window. That Yang! If he wanted Cole to come to him, that was what he would get.

Turning back to the Yin Blade, he recalled what Doctor Saunders had said about the clearstone case. It was supposed to be impenetrable. But Cole was willing to bet that it wasn't ghost-tested. Once he found the lock, he used his powers to get inside and possess it and unlock it from the inside. Then it was as simple as lifting the glass and plucking the blade from its case.

Now to give that Sensei Yang a piece of his mind.

Retracing his steps back out of the museum, he only had to pause briefly in one hall as Doctor Saunders passed by. After that he proceeded more cautiously towards the exit. He felt kind of bad for stealing the blade, but it would be for the best. Doctor Saunders had said that it wielded some pretty powerful dark magic, and Cole figured that it might be strong enough to defeat Yang. Even if the only thing Cole achieved tonight was getting rid of him for good, then at least that was one last thing he could do to make the world safer before he disappeared completely.

But as he rushed out the door and down the steps, he only just stopped himself short of colliding with another ghost. Cole stumbled backwards and brandished the Yin Blade. Was this some kind of gang-up?

"Morro," he said, not bothering to hide the venom in his tone. "What are you doing here?"

"That's none of your business, ninja," Morro shot back, looking equally defensive.

Cole huffed in disbelief. He knew Master Wu had forgiven the guy, that even Lloyd had worked hard to let go of a lot of what happened, but that didn't mean Morro deserved their sympathy. They went through a lot as a team in the months following Morro's attack, and knowing that he was still on the loose had prevented any of them from sleeping well for a long time.

Not to mention that Cole's being a ghost was kind of Morro's fault as well.

"I know you're not here to ask the curator for candy," Cole said. "This holiday was practically made for guys like you! So what are you planning?"

"I –" Morro looked as if he was seconds away from giving Cole a reason to use the Yin Blade, but instead he cut himself off. To his surprise, Morro relaxed himself, took a deep breath, and said, "I need to speak with Sensei Wu."

Cole glowered at him, suspicious. "And what do you want with Sensei?"

"That's none of your business," he repeated with the same ferocity as before.

"I think it is my business if you're asking to see my sensei."

Morro's temper was quick to return. "I need to speak with him, it's important!"

"Sensei's busy," Cole shot back. "You can give me your message, and I'll tell him if it's important."

With another controlled breath, Morro turned and marched back down the steps. "I'll find him myself."

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