Chapter 7 - Two Are Better Than One

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Morro scrutinized the ghosts that encircled him and Cole. There wasn't time to fight them all off while Yang escaped to do his ceremony.

"I'm impressed," the old ghost said. "I didn't think you would be able to tolerate each other long enough to get this far." He turned a thoughtful gaze on Morro. "I should have known that I'd met my match when you came to my temple, Morro. You're every bit as cunning and skilled as I heard. Perhaps I've been selfish . . ." Yang held the Yin Blade out for them to see. "What you boys may not realize is that the Rift isn't single-use. As long as it's open, any number of ghosts can pass through and become human."

Out of the corner of his eye, Morro saw Cole tense, his gaze flitting between him and Yang.

"I want to make my offer again," Sensei Yang said. "If you help me, we can pass through the Rift together. I know there's already bad blood between you two; if you defeat me, you'll still have to fight each other. But if you and I worked together, we could easily go our separate ways once this is over. What do you say? Many of Ninjago's greatest are taking back their thrones tonight in place of a ninja. By night's end, there will be no one left to oppose us."

Morro could sense the Earth Ninja's tension, like a wound-up coil ready to spring. But Morro wasn't interested in Yang's offer. He had already made up his mind tonight. Cole and Yang kept trying to tell him what he wanted, but they didn't know a thing about it. Morro wasn't interested in trying to get his life back, he wasn't going to make the same mistake a third time.

"Forget it, Yang. You can't talk your way out of this one."

Yang's smile vanished, curling into a sneer. "No? Then you won't mind if I let my students talk for me."

Cole turned back to Sensei Yang. "What's the matter? Too afraid to take us on by yourself?"

"Too busy," Yang answered coolly. "The eclipse is beginning to fade. Just like the two of you. You couldn't even fight together when I was unarmed and right in front of you. What makes you think you'll be able to defeat my students?" Without waiting for an answer, he addressed the other ghosts in the room. "Take them!"

Cole made an attempt to skirt around the ghosts, but they swiftly cut him off. Yang was already disappearing out the window. Morro tried to follow, but completely lost sight of them both as the ghosts closed in. He struck out against them, his moves precise. Normally they would be lethal, but all he could hope for was that it would be painful enough to get the ghosts off his tail for a moment. But even when Morro managed to knock a couple out, they were back up before he could finish the others off.

And yet, both sides were at an equal disadvantage. The weapons forced their wielders to remain solid as they held them. They still provided a better method of fighting than trying to use fists, but they limited the fighter almost as much as the deepstone cuffs did.

Almost. Yang's students still had the freedom to hover through the air. Morro couldn't catch every ghost as they swarmed over his head, out of his reach. What's more, Morro could feel himself physically starting to grow tired. His strength was fading along with his soul, and he and Cole had been fighting all night. He could keep going, but for how long? Yang would complete the spell at any moment – they could win if they just had time, but they didn't!

"This isn't working!" he shouted while blocking a blow with both blades. "They're just stalling us – we need to get to the roof!"

"If one of us could get outside –" Cole was cut off. Morro shot a look at the window. He took steps backward as he fought, trying to find the Earth Ninja in the chaos. The ghosts pressured him on all sides until they finally forced the two together. They stood side-by-side, backed against a wall. Morro swiped at the swarm as they hovered only a few feet away.

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