Chapter 5 - Alone Together

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Morro rested his elbow on his knee, head in his hand. It wasn't very comfortable, given that his wrists were chained together, but then, Morro hadn't known comfort for well over forty years.

The green moonlight that filled the room steadily grew dimmer, turning the shadows that were cast by the house's ancient décor into menacing shapes. Two of Yang's students stood on either side of Cole and Morro, never taking their eyes off of them.

But Morro didn't pay them any mind. If the grandfather clock was any indication, the night was only getting later; it wouldn't be long before he disappeared completely. Earlier that night, Morro had been ready for it. He had already mentally prepared himself. He was going to say goodbye to Sensei Wu, try to make amends as much as he could, and accept his fate. Over the past couple months, Morro had more than enough time to figure out that this world wasn't really for him anymore. He couldn't possess a body forever, and without one of his own, what was the point? This world had never done him any favors, and if it hated him so much, he might as well stop trying to force it to make space for him.

And yet, he couldn't even get a goodbye. He was going to die alone, just like before.

(Could you still call it dying when there was so little left to kill?)

Yang had been right when he said that Morro would never change. And maybe Morro didn't care. He had worked too hard and for too long just to see it all go to waste. Sensei Wu was wrong about him, Morro knew. He was a lost cause, he was beyond saving. If the old fool finally came to his senses and told him off for everything he'd done, Morro wouldn't argue with him. But he wouldn't take any of it back, either. This was just who Morro was, and it had taken him his entire afterlife to see it. At least he would die having given Destiny a real run for her money.

(Was it too much to ask that his pain might just have a purpose?)

Morro was stirred from his thoughts when the Earth Ninja spoke. "Sorry about all this."

His head snapped up and he turned slightly. "For what?"

"For getting you into this mess."

Morro's lip curled. "What are you apologizing to me for?"

Cole shifted behind him, chains clinking. "'Cuz I dragged you all the way up here. And because you were right. I should have listened earlier."

"Ya think?"

"Look, I'm just trying to be nice. I'm sorry I made you come with me, and that I –"

"You didn't make me do anything," Morro snapped. "I should have just found Sensei Wu myself."

"Fine! I mean, you're right, it wouldn't have been hard, anyway. He's at the monastery."

Morro closed his eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew he should have listened to his own instinct. He could have been there now, he could have made everything right before he left –

"I guess that's what I'm really sorry for," Cole added, sounding more sincere again. "You two should have at least had a chance to say goodbye."

Morro let out a bitter laugh. "You don't mean that. Not for my sake."

The Earth Ninja didn't object. Morro looked up at the guard in front of him, who remained emotionless and silent. Maybe Morro was being too sentimental by clinging to the idea of a final meeting. After all, he wouldn't have to worry about anything after tonight, so what did he care what Sensei Wu thought of him when he was gone for good?

After a long, drawn out silence, Cole cleared his throat. "Look, I don't exactly know how to say this, but I think we share the same goal, now. I don't care what Yang thinks, I'm willing to do anything to defeat him."

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