Chapter 3 - Night of Return

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Morro leapt from his dragon as it dissolved into energy particles. He landed in a crouch on the floating isle, and moments later, the Earth Ninja followed him up with Airjitzu. Above, the moon glowed with an ethereal green light as shadows crept over its surface. The Temple of Airjitzu loomed ahead, its chipped shingles sagging in a resentful hunch, watching them through cracked windows. The old building was almost as good as buried amongst barren trees and withered flowers.

Cole took a step towards the temple, then turned back to Morro.

"Let's get one thing straight: We're following my lead. I have a bone to pick with Yang, and I don't want you to get in my way. Yang is mine, got it?"

"Then why am I here?"

"For back up. Now come on, I want to get this over with as quickly as you do."

Morro trailed after him as they made their way across the lifeless yard. "Are you sure you want to go through with this? Don't you want to at least sort out a plan first? I know you've got a beef with Yang, but –"

"Look, if you want to go search for Sensei Wu by yourself, be my guest. But I'm taking down Yang tonight. Besides, you're hardly one to talk."

Begrudgingly, Morro clamped his mouth shut and decided that if the Earth Ninja wanted to handle it by himself so badly, he could just deal with his own dumb consequences, too. Morro wasn't going to stick around to see it if things got bad. Either way, it would be over soon enough.

They rushed up the stone steps and Cole threw the doors open. Morro scanned the entrance over his shoulder, but the main hall appeared to be empty. Although appearances weren't always reliable when it came to haunted temples.

"Alright, Yang, show yourself!" Cole shouted as he took slow, measured steps inside. "You hear me? Show yourself!" Brandishing the blade, his gaze flicking here and there in search of Sensei Yang. Morro followed more slowly.

The entry hall was drenched in shadows, greenish moonlight only reaching so far in from the windows and doorway. There was a variety of costly trinkets and paintings against the walls, all covered in a layer of filmy dust. Something moved to the right of the grand staircase. Morro took a defensive position.

An elderly looking ghost with a dark beard stepped out. From the way the Earth Ninja tensed, Morro guessed it was the very ghost they were looking for.

Yang's expression darkened when his eyes landed on Morro. "You received my message. And I see you brought a friend."

"I brought backup. You're not getting away this time. I'm settling the score once and for all."

"I suppose you want to get back at me for turning you into a ghost, hm?" Sensei Yang appeared unconcerned, hands clasped behind his back. "Well, I'm afraid that was more your fault than mine. You knew the risk and you chose to take it. You see, I don't have the power to turn people into ghosts. It's more 'house rules,' if you get my meaning."

The Earth Ninja took a threatening step forward. "You're the one that kept us here! You wanted me to turn into a ghost!"

"I was merely –" Yang paused, his eyes narrowing on the Yin Blade. "Is that . . . it can't be!"

"That's right," Cole said. "Your own weapon. I told you, you're not getting away tonight, Yang."

"But that's impossible, it's encased in solid clearstone. That case is impenetrable!"

Morro raised a doubtful eyebrow. Was this guy stupid? Even clearstone would be nothing to a ghost.

Something flickered over the walls on the other side of the room, and Morro's head snapped up. The front door still hung open, providing a little extra light, but Morro couldn't make anything out. He could swear that there was something else there, though, something moving in the shadows. A breath of life in an otherwise dead house.

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