Chapter One

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It had been a year since the incident. Everleigh had fallen into a deep and dark depression. The love of her life was mauled by dogs. How does one recover from that kind of trauma? Today was supposed to be the one year anniversary of their marriage, but they weren't technically married yet.

Here she was, in the forest by the tree he tossed her in before being killed. She was wearing her wedding dress with Alastor's ring around her neck on a necklace chain. She wiped her tears as she tied a noose around her neck.

"I can't live my life without you." She sobbed, ". . .I'm sorry."

She then threw herself off the tree limb, dangling in the air by the noose. It wasn't long before her vision faded away and her airway slowly closed forever.

She felt herself falling down below. She hit ground and groaned in pain. She sat up and looked around. She was in the city, but not just any normal city. This city was dark and didn't seem friendly.

"Hey Snowflake." A spider demon spoke, "are you okay?"

She looked up to see a pink and white spider like figure in a tux looking at her.

"I believe so." She answered holding her head, "where am I?"

"This is Hell." He answered, "literally. No pun intended."

He held out one of his 4 hands and she held it hesitantly as he helped her onto her feet.

"What's your name, Snowflake?" He asked.

"It's Everleigh." She answered, "What's yours?"

"Angel Dust." He answered, "but everyone calls me Angel. Now tell me, what's a dazzling demon in a torn up wedding dress doing in Hell?"

"It's quite a story." She admitted, "one that requires a drink."

"Why don't we go to the Hazbin Hotel?" Angel asked, "there's a bar there and I'm sure Charlie will let you stay."

"Who's Charlie?" Everleigh asked.

"She's the Princess of Hell." Angel answered, "Her and her girlfriend Vaggie run the hotel. It's not far from here."

So Everleigh and Angel began walking through the city. Even though she had just met Angel, she stayed close to his side. She was still all alone and didn't know anyone. They both entered the hotel moments later.

"Hey Charlie!" Angel called, "we have a new arrival!"

He then looked down at Everleigh, "there's a guy named Husker that works at the bar. He'll fix any drink you want."

She sat at the bar and an avian cat demon walked up to her. This demon was probably Husker.

"What can I getcha?" He asked.

"Devil's Springs with light ice." She answered,

"Hardcore drinker, aren't you?" He asked.

"I wasn't until a year ago." She answered.

Charlie and Vaggie came downstairs and walked to Angel.

"You said something, Angel?" Vaggie asked.

"We have a new arrival." He answered as the 3 of them glanced at Everleigh, "must've been a wedding day disaster."

They looked at the details of her wedding dress. The train of the dress was torn away, small tears around the torso, and grey smudges on the dress.

"Oh the poor girl." Charlie frowned.

Charlie sat next to her, "hey, my name is Charlie. What's your name?"

Everleigh sipped her drink, "my name is Everleigh. Angel told me you own this place."

"I do." She smiled, "Every year a certain amount of demons are erased from Hell due to over population and it makes me sad. So I built this place to rehabilitate demons."

"No one would expect that from the Princess of Hell." She spoke.

"I truly care for my people." Charlie replied, "even you could be rehabilitated."

"I doubt that." She answered, taking another sip, "I did an unforgiveable sin."

"What did you do if you don't mind me asking." Vaggie asked.

"I committed suicide." Everleigh answered.

Charlie gasped, "on your wedding day?"

"Actually. . .it was supposed to be the one year anniversary of our marriage." She responded, "but something tragic happened."

"What happened?" Angel asked.

Her memories of that day haunted her mind, "the love of my life was mauled by police dogs on our wedding day."

Everyone gasped.

"That's fucking awful." Vaggie spoke.

"I forgot what his kiss feels like." She said, "His warm touch when he'd wrap his arms around me after work. I couldn't even recognize his face after the incident. I fell into a dark depression after that day. I just never could pull myself out of it. He was the light of my life."

"Is that his ring around your neck?" Nifty asked.

She held onto it and softly smiled, "I never got to say my vows and place it on his finger. He was the first one to say his vows and place my ring on my finger."

"I can't imagine going through something like that." Charlie spoke.

"The pain I felt that day was unbearable." Everleigh said, "I felt like someone had aggressively ripped out my heart and stomped it repeatedly. The police told me I was about to marry a serial killer. Well you know what? That serial killer loved me like no other man that Earth ever loved me."

"What was he like?" Angel asked.

"Devilishly handsome, romantic, and protective." She answered.

"No offense, but how was he all these things if he supposedly a serial killer?" Vaggie asked, "how many people did he kill?"

"He killed quite a few people in the past." She answered, "but I had already known that. After he met me, he wanted to stop his crimes so he could settle down. But the police had found his DNA at one of the crime scenes."

"That'll do it." Husker commented.

"Well the he is most certainly here." Charlie spoke.

"He could be anywhere in Hell at this point." Angel added.

"Angel." Charlie growled.

"What?" Angel put his hands up in defense, "we have no idea what he looks like and we don't know his name."

"He's right." Vaggie spoke, "it's like a needle in a hay stack."

"Maybe if you give us some information, we can find him." Nifty explained.

"I feel like that would be useless." She admitted, "he has probably forgotten about me."

Suddenly, the door at the entrance of the hotel opened.

"Darling?" A very familiar voice asked.

Til Death do us Part (An Alastor love story)Where stories live. Discover now