Chapter Thirteen

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"Alastor what the fuck was that?" Vaggie growled.

Alastor looked down at his shaking hands, "What have I done?"

"By the looks of it, it looked like you were trying to kill her." Husker spoke.

"But I would never do such a thing to her." Alastor whispered, "unless. . ."

"Unless what?" Angel asked.

"I wasn't in control of my body." Alastor spoke.

"How is that possible?" Vaggie crossed her arms.

"I have to stop her before she gets hurt!" Alastor ran downstairs.

The others followed him. Alastor looked around the lobby.

"Everleigh darling! Where are you?"

"Um. . .are these her rings?" Nifty asked pointing at the wedding rings.

Alastor looked at the rings and he froze in place and his eyes widened.

"No. . .no, no, no. . .the deal!" He panicked, "the deal is broken!"

"What deal?" Angel asked.

Alastor covered his mouth; nobody knew of the deal.

"What kind of deal did you make!" Vaggie demanded.

"I made a deal with Lucifer that as long as Everleigh wore her ring that Sir Pentious would perish on the next cleanse." Alastor explained, "but I didn't know that the contract I sighed didn't say that she was protected from anyone in Hell. So Lucifer has been haunting her in her nightmares and he was the one who bite her neck. He was also the reason why she was being choked when I wasn't here. He was the one controlling my body because he knew that she was going to break the deal. And now she's in danger!"

"Alastor why the hell would you make a deal with my dad?!" Charlie yelled.

"Because your father is the ruler of Hell and has the power to do anything! I just wanted her safe!" He yelled back.

"You have no idea what my dad does when deals are broken!" She said, "He doesn't tell anyone this when he makes deals! He'll torture her if he ever finds her! He'll use her as his own personal slave!"

Alastor gasped, "what kind of torture?"

"You name it, he does it." Charlie answered, "beat her, starve her, stab her, chain her, and even rape her."

"Rape her??" He panicked.

"We need to find her as soon as possible!" Angel spoke.

Everleigh was walking the streets of Hell with tear stains on her cheeks. She walked in a dark alley and sat on the cold ground. She curled into a ball and quietly sobbed.

"I thought he loved me." She cried, "he strangled me like a rag doll."

"I can show you how a real rag doll is treated, Everleigh." A voice spoke.

Everleigh looked up and saw Sir Pentious.

She shuffled away, "get away from me!"

"No ring on your finger, huh?" He smirked, "you're all mine."

"NO-!" She screamed as he covered her mouth with a smelly rag.

Everleigh woke up on a cold floor chained to a wall. She gasped as she saw Sir Pentious and the male version of Charlie standing at the entrance of what she thought was an underground torture chamber.

"Thank you for bringing her to me, Sir Pentious." Lucifer grinned.

"Where's my pay?" He hissed.

"Your pay is you get to stay in Hell instead of perishing with the others on the next cleanse. Good day, sir." He spoke.

He shut the door and started walking towards her.

"Why hello beautiful." He grinned, "I see that you're awake from you slumber."

"Who are you?" She spat.

He grabbed the hair on top of her head and pulled her back, "I am the ruler of Hell. I am Lucifer."

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