Chapter Six

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Everleigh woke up and looked around the room. Alastor was nowhere to be seen. She got up and got ready and walked to the lobby.

"Why hello sleepy head." Angel smirked.

"Have any of you guys seen Alastor?" She asked.

Everyone stood there blankly.

"He's taking care of some unfinished business." Husker answered.

"What unfinished business?" She asked.

The door opened and Alastor walked in the hotel.

"Alastor!" Everleigh ran to him, "are you okay? Where were you?"

"I had some unfinished business to take care of my dear." He smiled, "do you still have your ring?"

"Yes of course, it's always on my finger." She showed him.

"Good." He smiled, "I worry that you'll take it off some day."

"No I'd never do that, Al." She said, "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled as he gave her a kiss, "now, I must go to my mansion today to do some work. Would you like to join me, darling?"

"Of course." Everleigh answered.

Alastor turned to Charlie and the others, "We shall be back tomorrow. If that's alright with you, Charlie?"

"I don't mind, Al." She replied, "we'll be okay here."

"Spectacular! Let's go my dear." Alastor smiled as he picked up Everleigh and walked out the door.

He placed her in the passenger seat of his car and he jumped in the driver's seat. He began driving and turned on the radio to some old tunes. Soon he was driving away from the city. Everleigh looked at the city as it continued to disappear. Suddenly, Alastor snapped his fingers which opened a portal to another road. 

As soon as he drove into the portal, it closed. Everleigh cocked an eyebrow in confusion. Alastor didn't even half to look at her to see how she felt.

"Don't worry, Darling. We are almost there." He spoke.

He drove in a forest and soon parked at a cabin mansion.

Everleigh was amazed, "this place is so big."

Alastor chuckled, "this is my home, dear. But now it is your as well."

He got out of the car and held her hand as he lead her out.

"But why is it so far from the city?" She asked.

Alastor chuckled, "you know me, darling. I like peace and quiet in my own home."

They entered the mansion and Everleigh smiled, "it's so beautiful."

Alastor smiled, "I thought you might like it."

They walked in the living room and on the wall was a huge portrait of Everleigh in her wedding dress in living world. In fact, it was the only picture in the room.

"How did you even get this picture, Al?" She asked.

"I had my ways, darling." He answered, "I am an overlord after all. It gives me comfort."

Alastor held her hands as they looked into each other's eyes.

"On that day, as I threw you onto that branch to sacrifice myself to save you, I thought I would never see you again." He spoke as he placed his right hand upon her left cheek, "your beautiful sweet face, terrified with tearful eyes. I hated that was my final sight of you. I was for sure you'd move on and find another, get married and have kids of your own. So I stole the photo to have in my home to bring me comfort. So every day I could see your sweet innocent smile."

Everleigh hugged Alastor tightly, "I could never have loved another. Nobody could've ever replaced you, Alastor. A part of me was missing after that day. You were the best part of my life. Living without you was a battle that I couldn't win."

"Not even death could tear us apart, darling." He kissed her head.

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