Far Beyond the Line (M)

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Mature Content: Sex scene ahead. I put a dot and a line to mark the beginning and the end of the scene if you want to skip. 

About two hours later, Joohyun had read the same paragraph for the last ten minutes, gripping the book as the storm intensified, making her scared that by any passing minutes it would rip off the roof.

« Can you study properly? » Seulgi asked, dropping her pen on the desk out of frustration.

Joohyun closed the textbook « No, it's useless. I can't read. I can't concentrate. This storm is driving me crazy » She got up and put back the book on Seulgi's desk. She sighed, irritated, and began pacing around the room. Seulgi turned on her seat and observed her.

« So.....do you still not remember last night? »

« I don't want to talk about that » Joohyun clenched her jaw at the mention of it. Seulgi got up, knowing it was bullshit, and blocked her way, obligating her to face her.

« Well, I DO want to talk about it because I still don't understand why you kissed me last night »

« Seulgi, STOP! » Joohyun raised her voice out of anger but it was more against herself than against Seulgi. She had fucked up. She knew it. She didn't want to be reminded of it but Seulgi had other plans.

« Joohyun, what the hell? I'm not your fucking toy. I have feelings. You can't use me for whatever you want and expect me to put up with it.... »

« STOP! » Joohyun moved forward but her anger quickly left place to desperation « Please, just fucking stop » She pleaded on the verge of tears, and Seulgi's brows knitted, confused by the sudden change of behavior.

A loud clap of thunder broke their moment and made Joohyun scream in panic « Hey! Hey! » Seulgi grabbed her arms and Joohyun immediately held hers back « It's okay, Joohyun. You're okay. It's fine. Everything's fine » She reassured her. Joohyun took a few deep breaths before lifting her gaze toward Seulgi. The storm roared around them as they explored each other's eyes. Joohyun felt that weird feeling inside her stomach again, her grip tightened around Seulgi's biceps and the soft feeling of Seulgi's fingers caressing her arms gave her goosebumps. Her eyes drifted down to her soft-looking lips and she gulped, remembering the feeling of them on her own the previous night. Her heart fastened its pace and when she looked back up to her eyes, she had to take a good inhale as she saw Seulgi staring at her lips as well. Her stomach flipped when their eyes met again. They were so close to each other yet so far.


Joohyun leaned in so slowly that it felt like an eternity before her lips pressed with delicacy on Seulgi's. It was merely a peck and she pulled away faster than she came in. She met Seulgi's eyes again, finding something new within them. Seulgi gulped as the tension around them arose. The taller girl crossed the gap between them rapidly and crashed her lips against Joohyun's, this time it was more of a real kiss. When their lips disconnected, Joohyun captured them again, the neediness and lust presenting itself upon them. Seulgi kissed her back, closing the gap left between their bodies and Joohyun couldn't help the moan that escaped her lips at the contact of it. Her eyes widened and she detached herself from Seulgi.

What the hell was she doing?

She stared at Seulgi with deep confusion but the other girl's ethereal beauty made her mind shut down. It wasn't time to think, it was time to feel. And she wanted to feel so bad.

She closed the gap again, kissing Seulgi like it was the end of the world; which given the state of their situation didn't feel like such a crazy thought. Her hands moved up to Seulgi's nape while Seulgi's landed on her waist. They made out until their mouths began to feel a bit numb but Joohyun wanted more. She lifted Seulgi's sweater above her head and threw it somewhere behind her. She licked her lips while giving her a good once over. Her toned body made her core warm up and she felt a pulsation between her legs. She wanted the black sports bra gone as well but Seulgi was quicker and took off her sweater in return. The way Seulgi admired her sent another pulsation between her legs. The taller girl came back to her, connecting their bodies once more as well as their mouths. Her hands explored her back and reached to unclasp her bra skillfully. Joohyun let the piece of clothing slid down her arms and disappear somewhere in the room like their sweaters. She moaned into Seulgi's mouth as the girl's hands massaged her breast softly. She clumsily searched for the rim of Seulgi's bra, lifting it above her head, and away it went. It was her first time feeling another woman's breast against hers and the sensation, the softness of it, felt so good. The hardening nipples against her skin and the way it played with her owns were so pleasuring to her.

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