Ready, Set, Speak

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Both girls woke up in a jolt when Seulgi's alarm went off. It was unpleasant for both, however, when their eyes met they were glad to have woken up. They didn't talk, they didn't need to because their eyes did it all for them. Seulgi was the first to take the bathroom as Joohyun stretched in bed. A sudden thought came to her mind that made her smile. She could get used to wake up this way, next to Seulgi, in this room. She sat up and shook her head. She was getting way ahead of herself.

They took a quick breakfast and Seulgi drove them to school. They were at peace. Joohyun watched the scenery pass by and wondered if the colors had always been this bright. It was almost like discovering a new world. Everything seemed livelier. Even her heart was beating differently.

Seulgi parked and they got inside their school up to Seulgi's locker. When Yeri saw them arrive, she lightly slapped repeatedly Seungwan and Sooyoung who turned around and looked at them in the same shocking way she did.

« Did you guys arrive together? » Sooyoung couldn't hold it as soon as they arrived at their level.

« Yes, Joohyun stayed the night at my house... » Immediately, eyebrows shot up.

« My siblings found out » Joohyun revealed and their eyes widened even more.

« Oh my...Are you okay? » Yeri asked with concern.

Joohyun shrugged « I kind of had a mental breakdown but I feel ready to affront them again now » She glanced at Seulgi, thankful to have her by her side. Seulgi sent her a small warm smile that didn't escape Seungwan who was right next to her.

« What happened exactly? How did they find out? » Sooyoung questioned, more worried than curious.

« They saw me getting out of Seulgi's car and they went through her Instagram » Joohyun sighed.

« They saw the pride picture » Seulgi interjected, making the three girls gasp « But they think we're dating so the plan changed. We're faking it »

« You're gonna fake to date each other » Seungwan repeated slower and the two nodded at her. She looked at Seulgi with a frown. She was suspicious that there was nothing to fake in this relationship. Of course, they weren't really dating but the feelings were there. It was blinding like the sun in the middle of the desert. She knew where this was leading to and she didn't know if she should laugh or be nervous. However, the bell interrupted them.

« You have biology with Mrs. Shin too Joohyun, right? » Yeri asked and Joohyun nodded « Great, you'll finish explaining on the way » She linked one arm with Sooyoung and the other with Joohyun « See you at lunch, nerds » She said to Seungwan and Seulgi. Joohyun locked eyes with Seulgi as she was dragged away and both could feel they had one another's back. Seungwan let Seulgi watch them walk away for a moment. She knew her best friend was in love, it was more than obvious to her. They had known each other for so long that words weren't needed.

« So.... » She gained her best friend's attention « How do you feel? » She asked as they began to walk in direction of their classroom « Are you okay with the whole fake-dating? And how was it that she stayed the night? » Seulgi sighed by her side.

« You should have seen how she was yesterday » She remembered how painful it had been to see how broken she was « It was hard to witness. She ran away from them but her sister DMed me... »

« What? » Seungwan half-screamed.

« Joohyun didn't answer her phone and she wanted to know if she was safe » She explained « They made a deal to have a talk after school today »

« Oh shit! Are you going? »

« No, Joohyun wants to handle it herself. I think she's also scared that they would hurt me » She shrugged.

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