At Seulgi's House Pt1

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When the front door closed behind them, Joohyun let out a sigh of relief. An inexplicable feeling of safety engulfed her like a warm blanket. It was weird because she had only been in Seulgi's house twice, but she must say that every time it had felt comfortable and reassuring, even if she freaked out the first time.

« I'm guessing you don't feel like eating anything tonight » Mr. Kang said after he hang up his coat.

« Not at all » Seulgi replied « The barbecue was already too much...and all » She sent him a thankful smile. He smiled back and looked at Joohyun with sympathy.

« I'm good too, thanks » She said with a small smile.

« Well, you girls should get some rest then » Mrs. Kang softly rubbed Joohyun's back « If you need anything don't hesitate, alright? »

Joohyun nodded, feeling Seulgi's hand take hers and lead her toward the stairs. They went directly to her room and Seulgi sat her at the end of her bed, sitting next to her.

« Are you going to ask me how am I doing? » Joohyun asked.

« Only if you want to tell me » Seulgi replied, rubbing her hand that she hadn't let go of since she had taken it.

Joohyun sighed and looked at her « I've been thinking about it all afternoon. I just...I don't want to think right now » She sighed.

« Okay. We can do that » Seulgi got up and opened her laptop. Seconds later music irrupted from the speakers. Joohyun's brows shot up in surprise and Seulgi smiled, extending her hand in front of her « Come on, Hyun, dance with me. Don't think » Joohyun frowned but took her hand and got dragged up. Seulgi took both of her hands and moved them around while she swayed to the rhythm of the song. As it turn out, it was exactly what Joohyun needed at that moment. She got entranced by Seulgi, her thoughts frying. She didn't know if she danced well but her body moved along Seulgi's. Not only did her eyes were filled with the beauty of an up-close Seulgi but their bodies touched so delightedly as well. Soon, she put aside her eventful and painful day and her brain was only focused on Seulgi. She smiled at her without even realizing it and Seulgi reciprocated immediately, her eye-smile making Joohyun's heart flutter. Slowly, her smile brightened more than she thought it would have been possible that day. She found herself moving closer to Seulgi, feeling her breath on her face. Her eyes fell on her lips. She wanted to kiss her so badly that she just did it. Seulgi smiled against her lips which made her even happier.

« I love you, Seulgi » She whispered. Her eyes widened when she realized she had said it out loud and pulled away but Seulgi only smiled brighter.

She put a lock of her hair behind her ear, blushing lightly. Her fingers caressed Joohyun's cheek before she approached her « I love you too, Bae Joohyun »

Joohyun felt tingles all over her body. She had been terrified earlier but it was more than alright if it meant she could have had this moment. She put their foreheads together and they slow-danced under the shy sun of the evening. The song had long stopped and silence had filled the room but both their minds were too busy to notice.

« I feel so good when I'm with you, Seul. You make me feel safe » Joohyun whispered.

Seulgi pulled away a little to face her « Even back when you came during the storm? » She raised a curious eyebrow.

« Weirdly, yes » Joohyun answered truthfully « I didn't realize it back then but I hated you so much because deep down you exuded what I was seeking for. You weren't only who I wanted to be but I literally wanted to be with you. I actually felt comfortable around you and that's why it was weird for me. I didn't know how to feel about you and I immediately chose to hate what I couldn't understand »

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