Fall Asleep Next to Me

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Joohyun was drawing on her canvas the outline of her painting when she decided she had processed her talk with her siblings and was calm enough to call Seulgi and the girls. She dialed Seulgi first and put her phone on speaker next to her while she continued drawing.

« Hey! » She heard Seulgi's kind yet worried voice « Do you need a getaway car? »

« Actually, no » She chuckled, feeling grateful nonetheless that Seulgi was ready to go to such an extent for her « It went surprisingly well. I....They used to scare me but in an instant, it completely changed my vision of them »

« I'm so happy to hear that » Joohyun could imagine her eye-smile as she said it and it made her smile as well « Should we invite the others to the conversation or do you want to talk to me for a bit? Yeri is making the group chat explode since we all got home »

« Oh really? » It made Joohyun feel warm inside to know that someone, else than Seulgi, was carrying enough to be worried about her « It's okay. We can get everyone »

« I'll make them join the call » Seulgi said. Seconds later, three voices shouted impatiently their worries. Joohyun chuckled at such a sweet display of love « Guys! Guys! » Seulgi yelled, her voice barely reaching above them. Nonetheless, she managed to shut them up « Let Joohyun explain, please »

« Ok » was their simple answer and then it was complete silence. Joohyun took a deep breath, knowing it was time to reveal everything that happened since she left the car. So she did. Slowly and with probably more details than necessary but she didn't want to leave anything out. Also, talking about it made her process the conversation in a better way. It amazed her once again how in a matter of minutes her perception of her siblings completely changed. They were different, yes, but they were also in the same situation. They just stranded away, unable to properly communicate. They made mistakes but they made the first step toward one another now. She didn't know how it will be in the future but now there was hope.

« Wow! » Sooyoung let out after she finished « It's hard to believe that the people I met at church had this kind of secret life » She said in disbelief « But I guess no one is what they let others to see »

« I guess, yeah » Joohyun agreed.

Suddenly, they heard Yeri's moms inaudibly talk and their daughter replied « Everything went well. You can put the boxing gloves away »

« What? » Seulgi questioned, confused.

« Oh, nothing. It's just that my moms were ready to take Joohyun in and beat her family if they hurt her »

« That's...uh...very kind » Joohyun got suddenly emotional despite the funny situation. How were there so many people who cared that much about her? She was so touched that she wished she could go inside the phone to hug them.

« Anyway... » Yeri moved on « Is Seul really going to meet your siblings? »

« I would never ask. I know we talked about the fake-dating but that's too much. Plus, now that everything is alright we don't really need to, right? I think... »

« I don't mind » Seulgi cut her off and there was silence once again. Joohyun blinked repeatedly, wondering if she heard correctly what she had just said. Even their friends were stunned by what she had just said. Seulgi took a deep breath on the other side, cursing herself that she had let it accidental out loud « I mean...If that'll appease them and it will bring you some peace at home I'm more than okay with it » She cleared her throat awkwardly.

« I... » Joohyun didn't know how to answer to that. It gave her tingles inside though. That's all she could say.

« Well, maybe you're is right » Seungwan said « Maybe they won't care if you tell them the truth but it could help if your parents ever find out »

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