#22. Crazy About You

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Jimin woke up all panicked and looked at the time. "6:45?" Quickly getting into his robe, he walked out. "Did he leave?" He asked Mee.

Mee shook her head with a smile and Jimin was still breathing loudly when Jungkook slowly walked out of his room, all ready to leave for work. Without seeing ahead, he was trudging towards Jimin like a cat on light foot when Mee cleared her throat. 

Jungkook's eyes blew wide and his body swayed, unable to decide whether he should have made a run for it or caved back inside the room. "Jungkook..."

Jimin calling his name didn't help and his legs picked speed. The alpha held his arm and stood across him. "Can we talk?" Jimin asked in a morning voice, "please."

Jungkook looked up and nodded.

"Good," Jimin walked over to the dresser and picked up a box that Jungkook had seen sitting there for four days.

"This is for you," Jimin handed the white gift-wrapped case to the man and before he could retaliate, Jimin added, "this is not going in the trashcan, like the shoes."

"You threw away those shoes?!" Jungkook barked out.

"Well, you rejected them. They served no purpose after that." Jimin replied, voice mixed with wretchedness.

Jungkook looked down at the box. "You didn't have to, it's not even my birthday," He mumbled but then his eyes shot wide open. "Oh my God! It's your birthday. Jimin! I am so sorry."

As Jungkook began to panic, Jimin held his shoulders. "It's okay."

"Fuck! How can I forget?!"

Jimin suddenly pulled Jungkook in a tight hug."Shhh... You are dealing with a lot. I don't mind that you didn't remember. But I mind that you shut yourself off, away from me."

Jungkook breathed slolwy under Jimin's embrace. "Can I at least do something for you?" 

"I am glad you asked, I want you to bake a cake for me as you did for Dahlia." Jimin smiled now, feeling relief over him as Jungkook finally talked to him.

"Of course." Jungkook chuckled.

"And please take a day off tomorrow. Call in sick." Jimin requested while looking into Jungkook's eyes after pulling away.


Dahlia was running around the house and Mee was huffing and running behind her. "Dahlia, doll, stop."

"No, you will make me wear the ugly shoes." Dahlia climbed on the couch and as Mee approached, she jumped on the other side. 

"These are pretty, Dahlia. These go with your golden dress." Mee flashed the shoes. 

"But I want to wear blue ones Appa got me last night." Dahlia shook her head with a serious face. 

"Blue won't look good with golden. Come here, don't make me cry." The lady said wearily. 

"If I cry, will you stop trying to make me wear them?" Dahlia suddenly asked as she got the idea. 

"What? No. Your Appa and Dadda will kick my butt if I make you cry." Mee responded and fell on the couch. 

Dahlia walked slowly towards her and climbed on her lap. "But I like you. I can't let Appa beat you on the butt," she had a pout on her face and it made Mee grin ear-to-ear. 

"Then please wear these shoes." She pleaded, pouting a little. 

"Okay..." Dahlia said dejectedly and extended her tiny feet. 

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