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you wear no clothes

you dress in words

i see you covered in perfect talk

round vowels black and white

(op art my eyes)

bedecked in lines to your neck classic cut

adorn apparel array attire

you dress in esses that set your shape on fire

i listen floored to your finery

it fits

a first skin afore

(an only skin)

that slips itself wordlessly once

onto you like soapy streams

persistent silk

it is your blood run tight circles

(perfect fit again)

words fashion bones upright

smooth real sharp

i know you don't eat bread

you feast on words

you swallow alphabets

(in majuscule type)

and minuscule runes that shine your eyes

you spit out softly petulant bubbles

that splatter and drool

more words discharged

i have turned slave to your every stroke

disinclined and grudgingly possessed

by what you wrote, not what you spoke


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