Love you in the dark- Lana Winter

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TW: mention of electroshock therapy, mention of suicide, angst and mention of conversion therapy

POV: You stuck now in the asylum because you parents said you are sick for being a lesbian.
You share a cell with Lana, and you both get along well. 

It was one of this cold days where I wish that this cell would have a heater or one more blanket to keep us warm, but it was not so. 

It was cold and that one thin blanket can't really keep me warm.

I shivered and tried to keep warm by pressing my arms against my torso.

I'm trying to sleep but I couldn't. My lower lip trembled and I felt the cool air come in through the door. Why was it so cold here? I asked myself, but couldn't find an answer.

I looked over at Lana, who was lying on her bed on the other side of the room with her back turned to me. I didn't know if I was the only one who was so cold or her were too.

She was the first to try to help me find my way around here. I don't think I could have lasted two days without her. The time here was more bearable with her.

I try to distract my mind from the cold that came over me. But nothing helped me.

I wish I wasn't here I do not belong here. Why don't they understand. They always told me that they want me to be happy. Maybe it was a lie, like so many other times they have lied to me.

I took a deep breath and gave a short sob as I think about it. 

"Y/n are you still awake?" Lana's sweet voice hall through the cell to me. 

"Yes" I answered, not knowing if she was awake the whole time or if I waked she up. 

"I'm sorry if I woke you up Lana" I add.I see her turn around so that her face is looking at me."Oh no, it's okay, you haven't. I was awake because it's just too cold" I heard the sound of her voice that she smiled when she finished her sentence. And I had to smile too.

"It is, and I feel like I'm only here in this area," she chuckled. "I think so too. Seems like Sister Jude has something against both of us" I laugh lightly at the thought.
"Yes, and put us here so that both of us will freeze to death somewhere. And she has two fewer people to look after"

"Probably," she sighed, and it goes quiet.

"Y/n?" she interrupts the silence.

"Mhm" I answer short back. 

"Maybe it would help us if we get together, you know, to keep us warm. I really wouldn't like to die alone in this terrible cell"

"Well, you wouldn't die alone. You have me"

"True, too. But who should we die, maybe as those who tried to keep warm through a terribly cold winter night"

"How poetic of you Lana" I roll my eyes playful, knowing that she can't see it because of the darkness.

"But before we die, I think it would be a good idea," I add. She sits up, takes her blanket and walks over to me. I turn around and she lies behind me so that our bodies touched.

I can feel her warm breath on my neck and her arm over my hip to hold me close. Her hand is looking for mine and she takes mine in her hand when she finds it and connects our fingers together.

It almost felt as if her lips were touching the bare skin on my neck, so close I feel she.

"I don't think we will die here y/n"

"what make you so sure Lana?"

"I will get us both out here, together. And then we are free and we don't have to go back"

One shot (Sarah Paulson Character)Where stories live. Discover now