We will meet again- Wilhemina Venable

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TW: dead, anxiety and mention of blood

I know Wilhemina since months. 

She is the leader of the outpost here, where I live with a few others.

The world outside is destroyed. 
There is no life and we are here.

But can you call this save?
We are here and can't go out.
We have rules that we have to follow.
And for our misbehave we will get  punished.

Months and more months passed.

It was bored here. 
Here was nothing that you can do here.
Every day the same routine.

Again months and  more months passed.
Something chanced, for me.
Mostly for me.
The others are not allowed to know it, and I don't want them to know. 
They will not understand it.
No one would.
She will.
She do.
She understand me.
I trust her, and she trust me.

I sit on my bed as it suddenly knock on the door to my room.
My head snap  up and I allow the person to step inside.

The corner of my lips form into a wide smile as I see my girlfriend enter the room and closing the door behind her, so quickly that, when someone who walk the corridor along, can't see us.

It wasn't common that Miss Venable will enter the room from someone from us here in the outpost. She always demand the grey's around for this, but ofcourse, here, with me, she would never do this. 

I still think that this is not real, but then, when she enter my room, and give me her small soft smile she show me without knowing she do, that this all here really happen to me.

I was the luckiest one, and there was nothing; who ill ever change this for me.

I love she, with my whole heart and every bone in my body. 

I never confessed this to her yet
I was unsure how she will react to this. If she expect it to hear it from me.
Should I be the one, who tell her with this three words, how deep my feelings are for her. 
The woman who have my heart, now and forever.

I getting pulled out of my deep thoughts, by the feeling of Wilhemina's soft hand caressing my left cheek.

I did not noticed, that in the time I was mentally not here with my thoughts, Wilhelmina walked toward my bed and sit right next to me on the blanket, who cover up the mattress. 

"What keep you distance from here darling?" she whispers and her hand slowly fall down to mine and grip them with a squeeze. 

I take the opportunity to invite my fingers with hers as I look down, at her hand on mine. 

"Nothing bad" I smile a bit more at the thought and then shake them away and lift my head up, to look into her brown orbs. 
Usually you would never see Wilhemina Venable looking at someone the way she look at me, when we are alone.
In the privacy and safety of my or her room. 
When she can show me her venerable side, who she try to cover up with the side of dominancy, who keep her save and do not show the rest of the world how easily you can hurt her. 
She only try to keep herself save. 
And now she try to keep us both save.

"Did he already told you the date when he want to talk with you?" Wilhemina break the silence from us both.

Slowly I shake my head for a no. 
Mr. Langdon, a stranger to us, who describe his self as the leader of the cooperatives, who search a few from us out, to live with some others, who survived the apocalypse in a place, who we will be happy until the end of our life. 

Not having the urge to look that the food will be able long enough, to keep us all alive. 

I know from the food shortage here in the outpost.

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