Amazing - Alice Macray

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TW: no one

I lean against the door frame from the living room as I watch Alice reading one of her favorite books . 

My lips tugging into a smile as I watch her.
She didn't noticed me yet, that I stand there since a few minutes. 

She look so peaceful, being alone in her own small word.

Sometimes the corner of her lips would form a small grin, when she absorbs the words of a line that touch her heart.

She love reading and I love she.

It was one book, who I gave her almost one year ago on our anniversary.,

Alice was the best that happened to me.

She light my life up and saved me from myself.

I still don't know how I can thank her, to be  here with me everyday.
To be herself, and show me every day, how much I mean to her.

Maybe she don't see it like I do,
But every small gesture she do, mean so much to her, how I could never describe to someone.
No one would understand why a slight smile from her would warm my heart. 

Maybe not everyone feel this when they look at the person they truly love.
Maybe it's special, but I do.

"Are you want to continue starring at me?" Alice voice bring me back into reality and I shake my head a bit and my eyes meet hers. 

Her brown eyes sparkle at me, as she look up from her book to me.

I bite down on my lower lips and continue looking at her.

One of her perfect shaped eyebrows raised at me as she eyes me closely.

"What are you thinking, love?" she ask me with her calm voice and shift a bit in her seat, so her upper body is turned toward me. 

Her book lay upside down on her lap and her hand support her chin as she star at me. 

"I just think about, how amazing you are and that I am happy to have you and that I can't still believe it", her smile get brighter. 

"You find everything amazing y/n"

"No, nothing like you. And nothing make me so happy like you can".

__________words: 351

This is a short one shot, who I wrote with my six years old brother.
I think without him I would write again something sad. 

I will also write you a second chapter of the Ally one shot before, I just have to think how.



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